I want my holidays like now!! i've been so busy i've forgotten this concept called 'A holiday', what does a holiday feel like? ahh well, the best i can hope for is :
1. As little homework as possible
2. A peace of mind
3. relaxation.
Did my devotion today and it was about total surrender to God, and i admit, it's hard to do that, and yea sometimes we may be in total surrender especially in times of need, but then after that we retake the wheel and re-control our lives again. Another thing also happened, i was thinking about that issue again, after all, one month is almost up and i have to make a decision, so i was just clearing up my desk and putting some stuff in the cupboard then i came to find this devotion paper that Mr Gilbert must have given us and guess what the title was....ok i'll tell you. "Is God Testing You?" *nods head* uhuh, yup, that was the title. oh yeah, well, the devotion is alot about test being give to us to see our commitment and loyalty to God, and whether other things taking priority in our lives instead of God. So the verse is Deuteronomy 12:29-13:18 for anyone interested in reading the passage, but here's a part of Deuteronomy 13:1-5 that is feel is really relevant to this devotion.
ok, you know when you create an online account they'll ask you for a username? and sometimes they'll have this generator for your username and password to see if it's ok? yeah and the password generator thing tells you how strong your password is? well imagine this scenario...
You: hmmm, what should i put as my password? (ponders) owh! i know! (types) p-a-s-s-w-o-r-d, they ya go! (enter)
Generator: You might as well put out a welcome mat for the hackers...a two year old could have figured that out....
hahaha if you think it's lame....well it sounded way funnier in my head....
I was in college and had free time today, 1 hour only lah,it started with wanting to finish my eng lit research and ended up in BBC lifestyle section. Came across this new tc show they're having.It's called The Restaurant. The guys name is Raymond Blanc, and he's like this top chef, his story to success is quite cool because firstly, he had no formal training in cooking, yea he just started out as a dishwasher. uhuh, yeah. So now he has his own Two Michelin star restaurant and Hotel called Le Manoir aux Quat' Saisons (no, i do not know how to pronounce it) the website is http://www.manoir.com/web/olem/le_manoir.jsp
Why am i talking about this so randomly? well first i went O_O when i saw the pictures, (hint, go to the website now) see how pretty everything is? hehe. Yea, that's actually the point, haha..
So college, almost 2 months now, wow. Well to be honest i'm a little tired la, everyday i get a pile of homework/or research that i must do, go home, do the homework/research, go online for awhile and then go to sleep....boring right? i know.... it's just all very routine and well i don't really like that. SOMETHING fun can happen once in awhile right?lol. A few more days left to my "give lit a chance" month. Almost wanted to quit a few weeks back but decided to give it one more month to follow my teachers advice, it's true, one month can't exactly be ample time to really access how you are in a certain subject. Progress so far? i'm not really sure where i am, ooo i know that doesn't sound really good, but it's true. Though i have been doing loads of research for resources and books that could help me in this subject. I honestly really wish to be able to handle and hopefully master this subject, to understand literature and enjoy it's worth. haha good news is i expressed my feelings in a literature way "we are dying egypt, dying" -cleopatra, shakespeare- (though it was expressed towards lit class...)
On to another topic, uh....i want to watch G.I Joe! and i'm planning to have a LOTR marathon, all three movies, extended version, at once (thanks lynn!) during my holidays. Would love to have a pirates of the carribean marathon too, if i have time la.
I'm finally bac from Orientation camp!! haha well i'll rate this camp as ok ok only la, out of 10, 10 being the best i'll give this a 6. It was in SUFES, so this would be like my third time there already, and uncle Jack remembered my name and WHEN i came to SUFES, amazing whey!
Ok, so day one, we had to pitch up our tents in the rain....yea i just got myself wet, bother. Then we had session one of No Apologies, i don't mind going through it again, it's sorta like refreshing my memory. Then we had our Night walk/jungle walk. Now those people who've been through it before you must be thinking, "ah nothing la, can finish at the most 2 hours" well my friends, this time, we used a different route where the slope down was all mud and no roots, so we practically had to slide down to get to the bottom. To top that off, we finished at 2 a.m (the early/lucky ones like me) and the latest finished at 3.30 a.m. Not Funny being in the dark jungle for almost 5 hours (we started at 11 p.m) My torchlight had to run out of battery, and a few other too. It was a seriously new and different experience, this was way tougher than the first time i did it. This is when you know how much upper body strength you have la (hanging on to tree's + tree roots for your life) yea, i almost fell tumbling down once, good thing two people caught me.
So, had 4 hours of sleep, then session 2 of no apologies. After that we had to get ready for stream trotting, this was fun, we made it to the waterfall and it was really fun!! come on, what's not fun about playing in water? haha. Then we had a short break, and then the orientation party. We started off with night games, where we went to stations, quite nice and simple games la, after that we had our skit thing,lol. Our theme was Hell's Kitchen, location :HOt springs and special characters :iron man and donkey from shreck. We hardly practiced so we just gave it our best shot, haha i tell you tristen was super good and funny, i had to try to stop myself from laughing on stage. After that was tribal court. Now this one wasn't so nice, and it's sad because it totally spoiled the mood of the whole 'orientation party' it's like where you did something wrong and they punish you. If you do this the right way, it'll be funny even for those who gets punished, but sadly it was done the wrong way and everyone was upset with the council. This was because some of the 'crimes' were totally unreasonable and the punishments were dumb and contradicting. Ended off the night with talking about our batch running for precidency for the student council.
Last day, oh did i mention i purposely try to sleep longer even after the whistle is blown? haha yes i did that every morning for this camp. But everyone else in the tent ust wakes up immediately, so i end up being the last to wake up but fastest to finish washing up. We had games....ok after getting just 9 hours of sleep in almost 48 hours, i wasn't so excited.But the teamwork in our team, team ECHO was really amazing la, good group, good group. Our team leader Aaron is funny and he really just encourages everyone to work together, do our best and give the 'Happy meal' smile. He's like super funny lah, but can go a bit verboard sometimes too. Lastly we had like prize giving ceremony! our team got the prize for best teamwork!! see!! yay!!it's nice la to win something ok....So that's all about the camp la. Yes it was Bonding camp if you think about it, and no, it does not sound gay. Pictures in Facebook if you're curious.
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