Woke up early today, like 9 a.m early, it was really cold because it was drizzling, but nice ad comfy, you know that feeling? yeah, but decided to get up anyway, i had work to do, and what work was that? transferring all the cosplay business survey answers (it's a business class assignement, we have to open up our own business so i decided to open a cosplay costume making business, so thus the survey) to a proper format to be printed out. Just finished doing like 28 of it!! phew! 12 more to go, so near yet so far heh? Wow my eyes are hurting and i have 2 more days left! help me!!
I decided to drop law and officially the papers have been filled today, but i stopped attending classes since yesterday. I didn't tell many people about this decision, most people only found out about it after i dropped it, goodness knows, i didn't even hint to my lecturer that i was going to drop her subject.
First and foremost, i would like to state that i like the subject, i really do, and through this subject i at least have a better idea of how the legal system works (in the UK and mostly here because we just follow the UK style),so uhm, watch out, i know where to sue you! haha joking joking. The lecturer was/is really good, she knows her stuff, she just looks at the book, just a glance and she'll be talking about it for 5 minutes and it's like word for word. She knows the cases by heart (not surprising for a lawyer) and better, she knows the background of the case, which is not written in the book. And me, i'll be the one trying my best to write every word she says because well, when i read the book for the first time i don't get a thing, and then when she explains it, i get it! So as you can see, and you may even be wondering, "Then why did you drop law?"
Here are the reasons,
1. It's a heavy subject, as in content, it's law, it's self explainatory.
2. I don't intend to be a lawyer in the future, i really can't see myself living a life of a lawyer.
3. By dropping law, i get to graduate 6 months earlier, this is good for me because by the time i get my results i can go for the march intake.
4. It was either drop law or the whole of A levels.
5. Opportunity cost econs people, opportunity cost.
Believe me when i say it was a tough road coming to this decision. In fact it came after much praying, complaining to my mom and friends, making pro and con list, arguing with the inner me and much more. In fact, i really can't take credit for this idea of dropping law, this is because before, i was thinking of just dropping the whole A levels course itself, that was all i was thinking about, i was thinking of loop holes i could use, manuvours here and there to get out, my mind was on "Find a way to get out of A levels mode" and then on sunday, after talking to my mom about it, we were on the page of "ok you're gonna drop A levels, so what do you want to do next?", i went to bed, prayed and then *sound effect* i got the idea, it was like God given, infact i think know is. Like glass crashing, i came to a realisation, an angle i missed in my consideration. It fit just perfectly, i could survive A levels with that solution. I quickly rushed to my mom to tell her, she was like half sleeping la, haha so i guess she wasn't really in the mood to evaluate, she just told me to think about it. haha thinking about it now, it's really awesome, especially when you think back and realize 'God really does have all the answers', and to think that i didn't even realize it in the first place ( the alternative to dropping A levels) makes it even more amazing.
Now, the after effects of my decision, I guess many, infact my whole class (except Jas) was surprised with my decision, i didn't tell any of them, i was just telling them about Lit (another diff situation), most of them thought i would be dropping Lit instead of law, i guess that's life, it's just full of surprises. Oh yes, i have to tell about the process of dropping law, i got the forms from the office, signed it, got my mom to sign, then i had to see miss leow, who sits with Datin in the same room, and both of them were in there, very very scary. I thought i heard them complaining about something, that made things worse, then Datin saw me, i was mortified, she asked me what i wanted and i just said i wanted to see miss leow. So in i went and told her what i wanted, she asked me a few questions, and i just gave my honest, straight to the point answer, first she said that i should wait till after the exams to drop it (after all, it does sound a little fishy, dropping a subject just weeks before the exam), so she thankfully reconsidered, and asked me why i wanted to drop it, i just told her "I don't plan to pursue law in the future" and she accepted it! O_O, then she asked Datin if they should 'torture' me and just ask me to sit for the exam, (in a joking way) but then just allowed me to drop it. Just like that! After that, the next day, i got miss Dharma to sign the paper and it was before class, before the econs students came in, so i gave the same reply and she was ok with it. I guess this isn't new for her, after all i hear many students drop law all the time. So that't the story. Now back to after effects, i feel really relieved and less stressed, i'm happy with my decision. Time to focus more on the 3 subjects i have!!
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