The terrorizing cliff-hanger from the last episode is continued where Yoon Hee is made to stand where the target is with an apple on her head.
. A young messenger goes to sun joon and urges him to save yoon he, meanwhile Yak Yong (the lecturer) finds out that Yoon hee’s dad was a famous lecturer when he was alive. Sun joon tries to hit In Soo’s hand away but is too late, the arrow is shot,
but in the last second Jae shin dives in, saves yoon hee as the arrow is about to hit her. Sun joo screams at In Soo asking if he was crazy and they immediately take yoon hee straight to the infirmary where Yak Yong is.

Yak Yong checks her pulse and is surprised to discover that the supposedly yoon shik is a female! Outside, Jae Shin wants to beat In Soo up for what he did but Sun Joon stops him from doing anything as he claims to be the root of the problem. When Yoon Hee wakes up she is surprised to find herself in the infirmary, she checks herself and discovers that she has lost something, she looks around for it and Yak Yong comes in. She excuses herself, but as she turns around he asks if she is a girl and hold out the hair stick (Given to yoon hee by her mom), she is shocked.

Meanwhile, Yong Ha is with Jae Shin and he wonders why Yoon Shik (Yoon Hee) is given special treatment and suspects something. After her secret has been revealed, she goes on her knees and begs Yak Yong not to rat her out. She explains that she did so to survive as she had to support her family and her sick brother’s medical expenses. Yak Yong says that by saying so her family should also be executed, she begs that that should not happen and that she should take all the blame, he tells her not to make any more excuses. In the end, she is told to wait for his final decision.

Sun Joon goes up to In Soo and questions him about his behaviour. In Soo mocks Sun Joon’s plan to unite all the soron, norons and nomins together through the competition. Sun Joon says that In Soo has given him a great idea that he himself had not thought of and he was bent on doing it then. This creates a very tense atmosphere between them.

Yoon Hee, all upset goes to one of the classroom and starts crying, unknown to her, Jae Shin is there and he catches her crying. He feels awkward and leaves the room, telling her that ‘he’ would not want to be caught crying as it was unmanly.

In soo walks to his quarters and suddenly an arrow flies by past him, narrowly missing his head. It turns out that Jae Shin had shot that arrow. Jae shin comes up in his half asleep way, but yet still very punk attitude and tells In soo to leave Yoon hee alone.

The audience is now taken to the bookshop where Hyo Eun is, she is browsing books and wonders why sun joon hasn’t made any reply yet. Her maid tries to tell her that he is not interested, neither should she be worried as he is not worth it. She reprimands her maid for saying such things claiming that the main doesn’t understand love. The shopkeeper tries to sell Hyo Eun a love book that apparently made the whole country cry. He tells her the story but the unsatisfactory ending displeases her. In the course of talking, she finds out about the Dae Sa Re (Archery competition).

In the university, sun joon goes around the place, from the library to random spots to looks for Yoon Hee. You can see that he obviously cares for her and feels a bit shy after what has happened. It was cute especially when he pretended to cough, trying to get yoon hee’s attention but it turns out to be someone else. Finally, he finds her and the meeting is awkward and brief. He asks if she is ok and she just nods her head and leaves. Leaving him feeling disappointed.

Yong Ha, being ever so curious manages to lay hands on the medical log book, he then questions Yak Yong on why Yoon shik’s (Yoon hee’s) medical report was not fully filled up. He implies that he suspects something and that Yak Yong knows about Yoon hee’s real identity. But Yak Yong, using his wits and power to threaten him into keeping quiet and giving back the book.

After that the minister of war and the left prime minister discuss what has happened. The prime minister thinks that Yak Yong’s placement in Sungkyunkwan was not because of a demotion but for a reason.

At night, Yak Yong is seen to be reading the carvings on the wooden planks, and one of them is the name of Yoon Hee’s father, with that he remembers his first time meeting Yoon Hee.

In the room, all three of them cannot sleep, at home; yoon hee’s mom is worried for her. She regrets not being able to dress yoon hee up properly with nice clothes. To comfort his mother, Yoon Shik tries to talk about how nice the cloth is and how it would look great on his sister.

Yak Yong talks with the king and reveals that Yoon Hee is the ‘son’ of the famous lecturer. The king is delighted and excited to use Yoon Hee to find the secret writings but Yak Yong is quite to dissuade him in the terms that ‘he’ is too young. The king consents to listen to his advice.

Meanwhile, Sun Joon makes Yoon Hee practice and it just doesn’t go well, she can’t even hold the bow properly and he forces her to try over and over again. While trying to do so, flashbacks of what Yak Yong said to her occur.

She is shown to prepare for the whole event in anticipation too. Her juniors mention that this was because of Yoon Hee who made Cho Sun fall in love with her but never came back after that incident. Cho Sun herself refused to wield.

She storms off and Sun Joon follows after. But a hand is shown to cut a string and some sticks fall on Sun Joon injuring him and he is in severe pain.

Yak Yong bandages Sun joon and his wound is shown to be serious, leaving his right arm unable to be used for the competition, giving him bleak hoe of competing. The principles try to tell sun joon that he’ll get the easy pass to the top but he refuses it. At the well the friends discuss who could have sabotaged sun joon.
Immediately the next day, sun joon is all ready in gear to practice. His servants try to stop him but he doesn’t listen. Even his three friends think he’s crazy and a show off for wanting to use his left arm and do a high level move in a matter of days. Yoon Hee arrives and Sun Joon tells her of his plan, saying that his left arm that held a bow like she did the day before would be able to shoot as well as his right arm after some practice, he would create a miracle if he needed one.

In the house, Hyo Eun begs her father to let her go to sungkyunkwan, of course it was to see sun joon but she gives the excuse of wanting to give food to all the students who were busy preparing. At first her father refuses but later he wields to her demands.

Sun Joon is shown to slowly, but in pain practice using his left hand. He is very determined and practices every second, even in class, his pain is obvious but her pushes on. Yoon Hee watches him and feels for his pain.

At night, under a tree, a group of students (sorons) discuss how they have injured Sun Joon, Jae Shin, in the tree overhears them, they beg him to side them but he just beats them up and feels disgusted at what they had done. While sun joon practices in the dark, he secretly helps to light up the place. Yoon He also watches in secret and Yong Ha creeps up on her asking her what she is doing. She goes on to ask him why he was in sungkyunkwan, he says that he was forced to and that he can’t have concubines if he’s not a minister. She just smiles and leaves. It looks like she wants to leave as she is all dressed up and packed stuff.

She is inspired by this and immediately runs to Yak Yong’s place. She begs him not to expel her, this time her reason is because she has found people in sungkyunkwan who believe in her talents and acknowledge them.
Comments:I find that this episode slowly opens up the doors for secrets to be reveals, proven by the flashback, which i think was sweet and also the talk about Yak Yong's place in sungkyunkwan. Lots of political drama and historical reference happening here.
I am wondering how In soo got Yoon Hee to stand at the target with the apple on her head? Forcefully? because if Yoon Hee is so smart, she could have thought of an excuse to run away. They could have shown her doing something like that probably. I like the scene where Sun Joon goes around looking for her, love his expression especially when he coughs and the wrong person turns around. Jae shin is being given a chance to show another side of him, the more kind and human one.
The story is progressing wonderfully giving equal parts to all things like plot and relationships being the most important asects.