This is my first year going for this event,it's your all day art event for KL. And the funny thing, i got to know about it because Bus company (a band) asked it's followers to vote for it so that they might get chosen to perform (sadly they didn't), so that's how i found out about it. I looked around, and tought, "Hey i might as well go, see how the art scene is in Malaysia". So i invited Esther, my art kaki, lol no i don't call her that. She agreed (YAY!)
Before the event i had already checked out the performances i would like to watch, oh yes, just to let you know, by art here i mean art as in not just paintings but in music, acting, film,sculptures, photography and custom made shirts, jewellry,etc. So yes, the term art is very wide. I was actually looking for type tees but they only had singlets so bummer, or the words were in malay (not trying to be racist here, i just like it in english), saw loads of sarcastic button and funny ones too, like "i have my blonde moments" or "i know i'm hot but do you have to keep staring at me?"
There were these sculptures all around too, mostly made out of recycled stuff, yes it is the in thing people, go recycling! Esther and i watched the street performances (or fave) like KL stompers, RPT (rather peculiar theatre), Electric minds project (short plays), and the oral stage where you shout a scene and they have to translate it into a pose. i really liked this one and RPT, there were however vulgar words and poses which kinda degrades it abit (for me). But overall i think they're realy creative and funny.
We didn't hear the bands play though, didn't know any of them, ok so there was pop shovit but we didn't go see them play. We did watch a movie, produced in malaysia of course, it's called Gadoh, first i thought the theme was like Take the lead and all, well it did, the whole guy comes in to teach some delinquent kids theatre to try to change them. But there was another theme to it and it was racism and how it affects all of us, and i was pretty surprised at how outspoken they were on the racism issues, i mean you can literally hear them saying (in the movie) things that you may hear in conversations with friends or family. And there were funny parts too, without the actors having to be overboard silly like i've seen in so many local shows.
I brought a lot of money to be honest....ahhh didn't get to buy esther her present! sorry!! But i did buy gifts for other people, hope they like it.
Overall, i have to say it was a really fun event, wished there were more exhibitions (like photogaphy and paintings), loved the street performances, but they have got to relocate it next year, it's not fair that they have to compete with two bands in terms of sound. And i would recommend people to go for it! oh here's some advice, come early! because when i left, the parking was crowded, there was a jam, it's better to take public service or ask someone to drop/pick you up.
oh...random but....LORELAI AND LUKE ARE TOGETHER!!!YAY!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone here still into naruto? no? yes? never was? ah nevermind. Well i was bored (wow shocker)and decided to pick up where i left off in the series, surprisingly the downloads were super fast, like 15 mins per episode. So that got me going into downloading till the current episode, and i took like probably 6-7 hours completing 20 episodes, which is technically finishing one arc, which is the yukimaru/guren arc. And guess what, it's just a mini arc of the BIG arc, i'm talking storyline language here. But i somehow guessed how somethings were gonna end up, not all were correct, i actually more deaths, totally knew i was gonna pity that character...bla bla. But as all naruto episodes go, it's always, the bad guys are super tough, they manage to beat them, the bad guys come back again, even tougher than before, the good guys get a bashing, good guys win. Oh, and guren was talking about her chakra all finishing up with two more jutsu's, but hey! she totally managed like 15 more mega jutsu's may i add.
Why am i babbling about naruto...well i dunno, the sasuke or the way i like to calle him sucksuke arc is coming up again. Hopefully this time, gee after 300 plus episodes since orrochimaru first appeared will finally be dead once and for all. It is just not fair that he has that much power, no sissy looking bad guy like him should be allowed to live that long. Oh and i think i'm starting to talk like the gilmore girls after watching season 3 in a week and almost completing season 4 now. Yea i'm trying to cram in all the series watching into this week before i start college. Ahhh i'm starting college, it's a mixture of happiness and worryness, great combo, makes everything else neutral. that doesn't make sense doesn't it? hahahaha.
okok, adious, btw if you did happen to know about what i was talking about for this entire post, give yourself a pat ok?
Me: i wanna go shopping
Mum: and where would you like to go at this housr? (11.50 p.m)
Me: i dunno, America's open
Mum: And which city do you intend to go to?
Me: york
Mum: You think they have a 24 hours mall?
Me: it is the city that never sleeps *shrug*
oh yeah, and something more random, i'm not accepting anything less than a trustfund (figure out what this relates to)
ummm last thing, guess where this is qouted from
"If it's any conclusion, they made us sing celine dion songs while throwing bacon at us"
I’m back from camporama!! And if you ask me how it was, I will say “IT’S SUPER FUN!!” sadly I didn’t get to complete all the activities. So here’s the recap from day 1 till the end.
On Wednesday I had to go for the prize giving ceremony for the Star video competition that I won. These people all very geng la, go and change the venue last minute and mess up all the plans, then Lynn called me and told me the uncle who’s driving us to camp decided to leave earlier! Lagi best la. So I was contemplating on what to do, my mom was asking me what I should do, so I decided to just go and see what happens. So the day comes, thank God that they decided to start the prize giving earlier, and there weren’t many people, just the winners and the Star and Taylor’s people. Sadly the anime girls group didn’t come...aww. I wanted to meet them, hehe. The ceremony was simple and we had photo taking, the photographer had to come late and so my mom rushed me to Lynn’s house, we reached on time and I was actually early!! Yay! So after that we went to the uncle’s house, loaded the luggage into the van and went to the camp. We stopped for KFC on the way, man; it was really a small town. Service was really, really slow. If it was KL, people would be going off to another place of complaining like mad. We reached the camp at about 8.30 p.m, and surprisingly they haven’t started the program yet! So wow! We got changed into out Indian clothes and joined them for the city night. I was in India city, so the place was really done up well, the leaders and commanders did a awesome job making and preparing everything, they lit the campfire, we had a few fun facts which were acted out, for example India started using plastic bags after 1948, the birth rate in India a year is equal or more than the population of Australia. Cows have rights in India. We also learned all the cheers and yells, really funny and creative cheers that they came up with. They also did the stick dance and played a few ice breaker games. So that was our first night in camp.
Second day, opening ceremony, I liked the parade of colours, and they let go the helium balloons, but not into the air, they’re still tied to a string. Then we had the first day of intercity challenges, Frisbee was the game! And also the cardboard regatta. According to Lynn, her church (India city) was training for Frisbee and well it showed, because we won first! In the cardboard regatta, they had t build a boat our of cardboard and row it from one end to the other (they really had to put the boat in the water). Our construction team wore yellow hates (so cute!). So there were three way on how they would judge, first is the first one to reach wins, second is the time it takes to row from one end to the other, or if everyone sinks, it is judged by who sinks in style. Well Australia’s sunk immediately, Japan won this one. Of by the way, there were four cities, India, Japan, china and Australia. After that we had lunch and city day (where we visit the cities) opened. Well basically, we go and visit the cities, which have all been allocated a spot and they try to make it looks as if it was really that city. We the visitors, go there, do the activities and then we get the badge from the mayor in the end. I had duties so I only had the second half to go and play, so I tried to go to china, which was opened during the first half, they said no sadly. Well so I headed to Australia, they had the crocodile hunter zoo, surfers beach and shack, a rugby are, and general info, their arch way was a giant boomerang which was really nice and colourful. To get the badge we had to play a game of slow motion rugby and for my turn we had to do the weirdest victory dance. We just lined up in a row, and someone sort of ‘shot’ us. After that, we headed out to Japan, where we saw people sumo wrestling (Japan brought these sumo suits which you can wear), I visited the tea house, watched the sushi making and tea ceremony, I didn’t go for the geisha thing though, not enough time. Then me and Lynn tried to go for the canoe thing, but it was closed. So we washed up and went for dinner, we went early so that Lynn could call victor for he psychology notes thing. As for me, I just caught up with my reading. Service started, since we were 18 and technically not rangers, we just sat where all the leaders and commanders sat. I sat next to the pastor who promotes the book of hope mag, and there was one funny incident where commander Reuben was talking about skillarama and I looked at my badge to see how many I completed, then he told the crowd, “Now don’t go and look at your badge now ok” then Lynn and the pastor started laughing at me. Lol. Service was awesome, and lots of people went out for the altar call for those who wanted to position themselves to serve God. And as for the kids (separate service) about 42 came out to accept Christ!
Day 3, Same thing in the morning, they had a parade then the intercity challenges, well this time it was laser tag, where you try to ‘kill’ your opponent and also get the top secret info. So this one I wasn’t really interested in, because well it’s all electrical shooting and it’s like seeing counter strike live. I was given duty for the second half this time. The first thing me and Lynn did was line up for the flying fox thing, and there wasn’t really a long line. IT WAS SUPER FUN AND I PURPOSELY TRIED TO MAKE IT GO faster!! We had to walk back up the stony hill, but it was so painful that I waved at car coming at our direction and asked if the guy could drive us up the hill, he was nice enough to do so, n the way we passed two girls who went before me and they were painfully walking up the hill (ouch) lesson learnt, just be thick skinned and ask people to drive you up. LOL. After that we headed to the canoe’s, this was super funny, we went straight to fast and banged into people, then we banged on the rocks, and we were screaming all the time, Lynn wanted to hit me with the rowing stick because I wasn’t rowing it right. After that she had to go for duty and so did I, but I decided to sidetrack a bit. So I visited china to get my badge, had to eat the gluttonous ball thing...I didn’t like it and tell them a Chinese fact/story. Their terracotta army was made out of plastic toy soldiers with guns, so the little kids asked why they had guns, the guy was like “ well maybe they had guns” and he told them that throwing sand at the little figures gave them luck and they really believed and did that!! Hahahahaha. Finally went for duty, half an hour late, hehe. It was the cricket duty again, and there was this guy helping me, he was good at throwing the cricket balls, and he wanted to do so, so I let him. I just punched the holes on the tag (to indicate you have done the activity) and pick up the cricket balls (they’re actually tennis balls). Duty was done and we headed back to wash up and have dinner. Service this time was on the message of salvation and Jesus, so about 13 people gave their lives to Jesus!! Wooohoo!! After that, Lynn went crazy due of lack of sleep and started playing scissors, paper, stones and the loser gets hit game, and then another unnamed game. We also took photos of our shadow and toured her friend winny’s sleeping area, way better than ours of course, and finally we went to sleep, I was so tired I just slept even though the lights were on and people were talking all around.
Day 4, we have the closing ceremony, each city won one trophy so it was good and fair. And I followed my mom’s friend home.
This camp was really fun and it’s not like leadership camps or church camps where you have two services and packed programs with loads of games in between and not much time to rest. It had service and games and parade and all, but I felt much more relaxed and not so pressure or forced to do the activities. You chose to do what activities you want and when you want (for games and city day), and it’s not too strict, it’s a bit different than normal ones. I really had fun, got to meet Lynn’s church friends and do things that I haven’t done before like archery, canoeing and flying fox.
Now, after camp, I went straight home, had to start helping my mom for the house dedication, the usual stuff la, cutting, carrying plates, washing cups, the guests came, we ate first, then had worship, a short preaching and then we started praying room to room. Finally everyone went back and I got to sleep, I was so tired, I didn’t notice that my com was on the whole night.
I shall try to upload the pics and video’s I took ASAP!!
Well i'm really blurr sometimes, i didn't think of checking the video contest website...and so i did just a moment ago, and i found out that esther and i got the grand prize!! hehe i'm really happy.
But i wanna thank God for this, thank you Lord for blessing me with this without you this would not have happened. All the credit and praise should go to God first of all, for the idea for the video, thank you for helping us finish before the first deadline. Thank You Lord for the newspaper interview article which was really cool, hehe. And most of all thank you for blessing us with the grand prize. All praise and glory be unto God!!
Thanks also to our parents for supporting us, the school for letting us film there and all the friends and family who have supported us!
Well i think i mentioned before a few months ago, i joined this video competition with my friend esther. The competition was organized by the star newspaper and taylors college. So a few days ago, i got this phone call from the newspaper asking me for the original video file, and then just well technically yesterday, my mom got a call from the star newspaper lady that we won some prize! well they wouldn't mention which prize and all, but ah well. So the prize giving ceremony is this wed (the day i'm supposed to go for camp, so i had to rearrange transport) funny thing about the transport is, if it wasn't for this prize giving ceremony i might just be sitting in the bus alone without my friend lynn cause she has college, and she was contemplating wether or not to skip coll t go earlier, but that to this, i can sit with my friend and she can go for her college! yay! and of course there's the prize thing. Oh and i just got this message on youtube from some random person saying i won the grand prize....suspicious? i don't know, ahhh i'm just bored now...really bored to death i actually felt my IQ level go down, seriously.
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