AHhhhhhhhhhh i so super tired...why am i still online then? my hair is wet...not good to sleep with wet hair. Just came back from BBQ night in college, so yea, i was sticky and sweaty, VERY bad combo, had to take bath again. So well, this BBQ night thing, i was helping out like since monday because of the deco, so i've been reaching home at 7 for 3 consecutive days, took the train, oh, on monday i had absolutely no clue which train i should use and i didn't know who to walk with to the sentral station, but thank God He provided me 3 friends to walk with me, so Elle showed me the way and all that, she even showed me where to buy a touch and Go card, aww now i have one, i feel so adultish, hahaha, yes i am easily fascinated.
Well the deco turned out to be worth the trouble, it turned out nice, very nice, as for the BBQ night itself, well it was ok okla, though i'm not much into dancing, got pulled into it, managed to escape unscratched, haha.
So it's been one month of college already, wow. time passes so fast, well i have made some new friends and i get to go out in between classes which is really fun (take train, see how fascinated i am in taking the train?)Lecturers give you loads of homework as if we're only taking their class, 31 questions for accounts, no joke.
I finished my CS, but i might do more, just for extra credit.(so american). Oh, orientation camp is next sat, what i called bonding camp. Yea, been there like twice already, so i know what to expect, some were talking about camping as if it was a nazi concentration camp. I tried to tell them that the place is just fine, but oh well.
So that's all i guess. Bye bye
Looking at all these pictures you'll notice a few things:
1. There are no buildings
2. No people
3. It consists of animals and landscapes, basically nature
4. None of it man made
5. There is no way to remake any of it the same way
6. God's handy work
Things made by man are really mechanical, unnatural, narrow minded and temporary, in contrast with the things God makes, he makes things to last for a long time and also to benefit other things, and the best of all, each one is a work of art. Although these creations of His are just fantastic, the most fantastic one of all is You, we humans are made in His image, how much more cooler can it get from that? =)
I just feel like posting these pictures because they're so nice and photographic wise just plain awesome! Oh something random about college, today i was asked to talk about 'light'....joy, guess what i said, "let there be light" and many other things like Thomas Edison, Hong kong, rainbows and random things related to light. Got a 8/8.5 band though! yay!
I'm also having a horrible flu, no it's not H1N1, why? because i got it due to the highly effective chill, no i mean freezing of the collge airconds, and i don't know why the lecturers don't feel it....are they used to it or something? Need to adapt to the environment (coldness of the airconds) of college.
Expect more picture posts in the future, because i got a lot of emails with pretty pictures in them, hint hint if you have emails with pretty pictures (i mean really pretty in the txtbook definition, not any other kind of pretty) send them to me.
Btw, these are National Geographics Best Pictures. All copyrights/credits go to National Geographic.Enlarge Pictures for clear view of details.
Sad to say, i think i'll be too busy to update this blog. Why? because my 7 month holiday ended lor....haha, duh. Well ok updates, orientationw week is finally over, owh orientation is a.k.a ragging week. It's a college tradition lah, new kids get ragged by seniors. Good thing is today i managed to stay quite dry when they spalshed water at us. Jas wasn't so lucky though, her shoes and one side got all wet.Didn't want to attend it seriously, this wetting us thing, but was forced to because they threatened that we won't get the Pre U chop and that might put the scholarship at risk of being lost. Yea, if you were me, that wouldn't sound good or nice, and it also wouldn't be a pleasant feeling, being threatened and all.My defence is, i seriously, truly didn't know about it till today so i didn't plan to stay back.As for the signatures we're supposed to get...ahh get punished lah. haha, funny for me to say that huh?
Classes, well we managed to finish at least chapter one for all the subjects,fast....and i have loads of work, not pilling up, but seriously a lot of reading to do i'm wondering how ppl just find the time to read so much, I need to increase my word per minute count for reading, haha.
Overall i think i'm adapting to college life lah, but i have to admit, MCKL is a bit like a school environment.Must wear jeans or long pants, no slippers, no speghetti straps, etc la. Not that those rules affect me any bit, i'm ok with jeans and t shirt and i think girls wearing micro mini skirts and speghetti's in college is just a bit too much, it just reminds me of school attire rule lah, dats all. And i'm almost done with my 10 hours of community service, fast eh? after just 1 and a half weeks. Yea i'm helping out in Wisma Harapan, where there are mentally disabled kids/teens. But mostly they just give us paperwork to do. The kids aren't that bad lah if you ask me, some can speak good bahasa, and they make pretty baskets to sell.
So, i hope i'll be able to write as often as i can, if not...uh well i'll try to write anyway!
I'm finally in college!! haha well i had a quite fun but extremely tiring day. Tiring because i had ony say 3 hours of sleep and even that was disturbed from time to time, too excited i guess haha. So i arrived at college super early because i follow mdm shereene's daughter, it was good to have someone to follow, at least i wasn't so ulu and lost. And thanks to her, i actualy read the notice board and saw the schedule of the day!
She brought me to the lounge where i read my manga, (yes i'm still an anime fan), waited for Jas to come, oh oh! jas has braces!! it hurts alot for her though, felt bad that she couldn't eat and was so hungry.
We did the usual orientation stuff, speeches, ice breaker (arrange yourself by birthdate) and apparently there was no one who wanted to lead and boss people around. haha, i don't think anyone wanted to be labelled the bossy one on the first day. That character will eventually be revealed. Then we proceeded on to the break where i just chatted around with some people, lots of small talk (gasp, i small talked!. After that, we had the subjects briefing, the law lecturer was simple but firm and scary, eng lit(although she's not teaching our batch) was really excited about the subject and it was overwhelming to hear what we had to do, but exciting too, here's one of the books that sound scary "oxford anthology of poetry" oh yeah, it's just focused on poetry that one. The acc and business studies lecturer decided to go MIA which is kinda sad because i wanted to hear about it.
Before the day ended we had a treasure hunt to get to know the college, well me, jas, and two other formed a team and we decided to go all divide and conquer, it was tiring i tell you, and before that my energy level was already so low. But we managed to finish it (though not able to hand it in by today), but the funny part about it was, ppl were NOT supposed to take certain questions off the board, but ppl did anyway (we did too, but once we realized, we immediately returned it) so in the end, some groups had monopoly over the questions, so i dunno where this came from, but i started to barter for the rest of the questions, since after all i had one, and from there we found out 3 missing questions, the last one was tough. I was the one shouting in the air "will trade question 24 for question 22,23,or 25" yea, embarassing but it worked. Must be thick skin a bit la. haha then i jokingly told people who asked us for the questions "what do you have to offer?" or told them "you want the answers, well it's a business world out there" and they just stared at me, ah well.
And that was my first day of college. I am quite worried that there are only a few people in arts stream (so diff from sri sempurna eh?totally opposite), most of the poeple i made friends with were science people, and i think most of my classes only have a handful of people, so i dunno how it will work out, but i just hope for the best and i'll do my best to have a fun time. And study of course, haha how could anyone forget that? haha.
Came back, totally knocked out.
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