All the pictures are from the manga, exactly which chapter i'm not so sure, sorry! The first two is the one where yuki and machi get together, aww so sweet, i'm happy with the pairing, yuki sees tohru as a mother anyway, so it would be awkward if they were paired together. And the last pic is Kisa and Hiro, those two are the young couple in the manga, and hiro turned out really good looking in the end eh? haha. Copyright of Natsuki Takaya, she did a wonderful job in this manga! In the end, i think everyone had a pairing and it was satisfying. You follow a manga for a long time, you expect a good ending!
It's over! the event that i specially mark out each year in my calendar is over...awww.... Before i write a detailed report, i'll just write about the stuff i bought. This year, the doujin booths were selling loads of hetalia and vocaloid stuff, sadly, i wasn't into those!! so nothing much to sell to a customer like me who's only looking out for CODE GEASS and NARUTO SHIPPUDEN stuff. sad i know. But nevertheless, helps to save my pocket from burning a huge hole, gotta save up for singapore right? Luckily for me, some artist though of niche markets like me and i was a ready customer, i bought:
1. Naruto shippuden akatsuki 2010 calendar
2. CC and Anya keychains
3. Lelouch's eyes bookmark (really cool!!)
4. Asian countries sticker (Hetalia)
5. A postcard of pain and his friends when they were young.
That's all about comic fiesta for now.
On another note, yesterday i went for the club christmas party, and i was looking at these people making christmas tree's for the christmas tree making contest, and well to be honest they just made the tree the way the organisers of the contest told them too, i was a little bored i admit, so i ust went ahead and joined too. I already had my concept in mind, it was the spiral kinda christmas tree, so i got my dad to figure out the engineering side of it, meaning, how to make it stand and stay in shape, and my mom decided to chip in too near the end when she saw me and my dad working on it. So i won first place!! yay!!! got RM200 voucher to spend in the club. Oh yeah, it was a good thing i signed up late too anyway, i got all the leftover glitter that they had,so they just gave it all to me hehe.
With Comic Fiesta just in a few days, here's info on one of the events for Day 2. It's a new event so come and check it out!
Following on the success of the Portfolio Review Pavilion, Comic Fiesta 2009 is proud to present a new event for the year: Comic Fiesta Industry Seminar! It will be half-day long (on Day 2) and will have speakers from the creative industry taking the stage to share their views and experiences.
The theme of the Industry Seminar is: Bridging the Creatives (last year’s event theme). As the local, as well as the global, creative industry and talent pool grows larger and larger, the seminar is something that will certainly help with educating the market on trends, performances, and forecasts of the creative industry.
Entry for this event is free!
Speakers and Topics Include:
Stanley Lau, Co-Founder & Creative Director (Imaginary Friends Studio)
Be A Digital Artist with Style
This session is open for those who would like to understand more about the digital art industry in general and what it takes to be a successful digital artist. Points of discussion include the challenges, opportunities as well as the myths of being a digital artist. Main factors of focus are learning how one can create a style for their art and make it commercially relevant and valuable to the industry.
Short Bio
As Co-founder and Creative Director, Artgerm plays a vital role in both the operational and creative aspects of the business. He often finds himself dividing his time between creating great art, overseeing projects and meeting up with current or potential clients. Formally trained in visual communication and advertising, he is experienced and highly-capable in a wide range of creative skills; from digital painting, graphic design to digital imaging. Artgerm’s works have garnered much attention and a huge following of fans from around the world, and his art can be found in many publications such as Spectrum, Expose, ImaginaryFX, Corel Painter and Fusion Junction.
For people who live in pinang and singapore, if you're thinkng of coming for Comic Fiesta on the 19-20th dec the committee has specially arranged a special package for you guys! click the link for more info! LINK
Make sure to print the discount voucher and show it to the Aeroline ticket vendors for the special discount! this offer is only valid for the dates 18 December to 23 December 2009.
Ever wondered where your stuff comes from and where it goes to? Come on, it doesn't just go poof right in front of you right? Watch the video then click the link to find out about the story of the stuff you have in a way you've never heard before!
I'm talking about episode 127-130, Seriously, Pain, Konan, go hit yourself on the head real hard and remember who jiraya is to you, especially pain, thinking you're god and all that. Gee, you really wonder what went wrong in that time frame where jiraya left them and now that could have caused this terrible change in them. And tobi, who knew he was that guy, he was so cheerful and funny, ahhh lesson learnt, you don't wanna underestimate the happy characters. I really wonder if the mangaka of naruto really thought through the storyline this far, logically you'd say yes, but it's a really elaborate storyline lor. haha need to learn how to think of stories that are this elaborate. On the happy side, it's nice to see minato and kushina, who knew minato would read jiraya's book! (it wasn't the horny one). It's weird to see oorochimaru as one of the good guys and not good enough to beat the bad guys, tsunade was so cute as a young girl and a bit like sakura. One reacurring thing in this naruto series is how jiraya's team and naruto's team have so many similarities, as in, sakura and tsunade like the hot quiet guy, sasuke and oorochimaru and hate the noisy guy, naruto and jiraya. And the cool guy turns out to be bad, sasuke, oorochimaru, though sasuke is not that bad yet. That was regarding ep 127-128, i admit i felt a little bored though. Now on ep 129-130, like i said pain should wake up and konan too. sadla how you spare someones life and now they want to kill you without hesitation. sad right? I'm expecting a really heated fight since these characters are all at the top of their skills. Too bad we don't get to see much of the naruto gang nowadays and recently sasuke's gang. Till i see more!
Ps. i don't read the naruto manga cause honestly i feel lazy and they're gonna animate it anyway, and they follow quite closely, so i might as well see it in action with colour and sound right? hehe.excuses excuses. So if you read the manga and say, tsk tsk, what this girl doesn't know yet about what's gonna happen, well sorry la....i'll catch up one day! ok two posts at almost the same time, i'm on fire here!!
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