Yes i do! oh after watching the movie How to train you dragon, i'm going all obsessed mode. AWESOME MOVIE, it's so good, it's so hard to point out anything bad about it. I've downloaded the soundtrack, i'm gonna watch interviews and i want to hatch my own dragon!! oh yes, you can see how hyped up about it. Technically the hype is down, but i'm going to start my own, haha. Got some friends to teman me right?
And in other news, trials ae officially over with moral paper DOWN. yeah! Well we actually planned to go out for a movie, (invited just a small group of people this time) and Eng Hoe wanted to bail on us! how dare he even think of that, haha joking, joking. The background behind that is, the science people decided to go for karaoke, but those of us already set on watching a movie didn't want to, except eng hoe of course, in the end he followed us, haha. Had a lot of fun cam whoring at pavillion, especially imitating fashion ads on billboards and outside the stores. So what if foreigners were staring at us. Ok that was embarassing, but we can come up with excuses, like we're tourists! Nah, anything embarassing done in a group is excusable....i think.
Haven't had so much fun in ages, this is a good end to the time of exams. Pictures are all on facebook. Courtesy of Mei Xian and Sharnali. Note to self, bring camera.
I will need to watch the movie a few more times to qoute lines, ok i'll put the widget later, toodles!
This movie is good despite the bad reviews it got, it's a chickflick, don't expect intelectual dialogue, firing guns and plot twists. Simple and sweet, that's what it is. So the movie is about anna a lady who has everything under control, the cadiologist boyfriend, a great career, and she's going to buy a house with her boyfriend in a place she's always dreamed of living in. One day she hears from her friend that she spotted her boyfriend Jeremy coming out from a jewelry shop and they get exited that she's going to get engaged after 4 years of dating. At dinner, Jeremy pops out a box and what's inside? earring. Yes earrings, for her ears. (paraphrased from her actual qoute)
She's devastated and he goes to Dublin, Ireland for a conference. She then decides to listen to her father who tells her of a tradition in Ireland where a woman can propose to a man on the 29th of Febuary, she decides to do so and gets on the next plane there. Due to turbulance and bad weather, the plane is forced to land in wales and she has to find her own way to Dublin. In comes Declan, a moody, sarcastic innkeeper who at first doesn't want to take her to dublin, but later decides to. This begins their funny, and eventful journey.
The scenery of Ireland is ust beautiful. It makes you want to go there yourself and hitchhike or something. If you're into old ruins and sea water splashing on rocks yes you'll like it.
Like i said before, the story is predictable, it's easy to link what they're saying to what they've mentioned before. The thing about love stories is chemistry. And they have got it, i liked how they didn't rush into them suddenly liking each other, like what the show "The proposal" did, didn't make sense there, here it does. There's character exploration and development, you get to see the history behind them. I was a little bit disappointed with the ending, it was as if the scriptwriters couldn't figure out how to create enough suspense, and the pitfall effect. They needed that for the ending (no i cannot give out spoilers).
Lesson learnt here, don't judge a movie by it's review.
Rating: 8/10
I finally got to watch it, looking at the cast of A list stars i was thinking it would be a bit like "He's just not that into you". Well, yeah it was kinda like that, just 4 times more of that, and it all happens on surprise surprise, valentines day. For a movie to be set on just 1 particular day and running for 1hour and 51 minutes is too long. I got bored an hour through the movie, storywise it's typical, acting wise, good. There will be some characters you won't like, because they were written that way, and the one that you'll love.
The thing is, i liked emma roberts here, she's finally acting normal. I saw her before in a movie and tv series and i thought her acting was over exaggerated, but, hey, here she's fine. Taylor swift and Taylor lautner!!! hahahahaha the ultimate jock and bimbo couple!! Esther, high five me woman! So, so bimbo, especially the scene in the lift, hahaha.
Patrick Damsey, small role in the whole movie, awww and the cheating husband some more, why la why. The gay couple? BIG NO, just yerrr and the guy was so nice in the plane some more....ngah ngah!! Jessica's character wasn't given enough time for development and in the end, i'm thinking, "So is she like hurt that she left him or something?". The last thing that spoilt the whole movie , without it, the ending would have been perfect, or at least, if they had changed the words it would be. The 3 words everyone wants to hear, you'd think it's "I love you" oh no, apparently, it's supposed to be "let's get naked"..........when i heard that, i was like, you dug your own grave and shot yourself point blank in the head.
Overal, it's a long, typical movie. I guess they tried to make it nice by adding kiddie romance, which for me, gets me worried about what kids these days are thinking....
Rating : 5/10
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