Hope you weren't questioning yourself when you clicked my blog URL and saw a whole new layout. It's new for me too and i'm getting used to it myself. I decided yesterday that i should try something new for my blog, and me being the environmental person that i am decided on this layout. The layout's name is called tree house, so it has that feeling to it. It also seems that my old posts blend in well with it, so yippie me!!
1 more paper to go and i'm done with this semesters exams, and after that the party begins! ok, the 1 person party because most of my friends still have exams, i think i'm the only one who finishes this early, yes, i get the stares and jealous sighs from them constantly, but hey, there's the pro's and cons to everything. I have to immediately start on my unit 4 eng lit coursework. I have no idea what i'm going to do and that's scary.
Other than that, i got a cut on my leg and hand when i woke up, the source of those cuts still remain a mystery to me till now. that would be 4 hours so far, hahahaha.
These are the films i want to watch this holiday season:
1. Shreck 4
2. Letters to Juliet
3. Toy story 3
4. Prince of persia (because it's a jerry buckheimer film, he did the pirates trilogy)
these are the main 4, anything else may or may not attract me based on how much money i have left.
So off i go to study for my final paper! buh bye
This is the soon to be nightmare for people. Imagine never having a private phone conversation ever again without having an Ad "Whisphered" to your ear. I pity the shocked guy, this is what technology should not do.
As if we're not exposed to enoug advertisements already, now they have to add it to a vital part of human life, i hope it's just a application and not a built in thing because if not, i'm sticking to my trusty handphone with no high tech touch screen stuff and applications.
Just something i wanted to share with everyone, it scares me, what about you?
No one thought they could do it, but they still fought on and because of that they made badminton history! Congratulations to the Korean women who beat China! you girls truly deserve it. Who would have ever thought that the 'unbeatable' title China had to their name would be shattered by women!
I can just imagine the korean womens team members replaying the moment over and over again in their minds. This just proves that if you don't give up, no matter how big the adversary may be they can be overcomed! Te-Ha-ming- go! (i think it sounds like that) meaning GO KOREA!! [learned from Princess Hours]. Malaysia, learn from these women, and Jia Yo!! Fighting!!
The fashion in Gossip girl is just the bomb! Especially Blair, she wins hands down, Serena's dressing can be too short and tight, most of the time. So far from what i've seen in the show, coats like the one Blair is wearing below seems to be in. Sleeves are now either like that or cut so that they're just a cloth covering your arm.

One shoulder clothes like the one being worn above also seems to be in right now, i've seen a few in local stores. I guess since spring is here and summer coming, people don't want to cover up anymore huh?

I don't know the names of the designers though, they should have this reference list really. But i'm guessing henry bendell, channel somewhere along those lines. They are upper east siders after all.
That's all for now, season finale next week after my first paper! NEED TO STUDY BUT LAZY, isn't that always the case?
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