The story is not unfamiliar to us fairytale lovers. Rapunzel a girl with uncommonly long hair is locked up in a tower, the only way up is when she lets down her hair. Prince comes, rescues her. That is the story in a nutshell; Disney has finally taken up this classic tale and given it its Disney twist. Rapunzel is still Rapunzel with the long golden hair. Kidnapped at birth, check, locked in tower, check. What’s different now is the prince, he’s not a prince, no in fact he’s a wanted thief. This reminds me of mother Gothel’s line when Rapunzel says “I met someone” and she replies “Yes, the wanted thief....I’m so proud.” As evil a character as mother gothel is, she has been given the most sarcastic lines in the movie, contending with her would be Flynn. Back to the story, mother Gothel locks Rapunzel up in the tower because, drum roll, Rapunzel’s hair has magical powers of healing and rejuvenation when you sing a certain tune to it. It was one a drop of sunshine that grew into a magical flower you see. Then one night, when the queen almost died of childbirth, the villager/soldiers found that flower that mother Gothel tried so hard to hide, the queen was saved and thus rapunzel had blonde hair. Mother gothel tried to snip a lock of hair but found out that by doing so, the power vanished, so she kidnapped the girl and raised her as her own. The King and Queen were so heartbroken that every year they would light lanterns just like the one they did when Rapunzel was born in hope that Rapunzel would see it and return to them. I know it sounds so magical and all. 18 years later, Rapunzel is bored doing the same old things in the tower. She wants to get out and see the magical lights. She tries to ask mother Gothel but is rejected. On to Flynn, he’s on the castle and on a mission to steal the crown (rapunzel’s). He and his accomplices manage to do the job but they get chased by soldier. After abandoning his accomplices he is pursued by Maximus, the very human like horse in my opinion. He stumbles across the secret passageway leading to Rapunzel’s tower. Seeing it as a perfect hideout, he climbs the tower and meets Rapunzel in the most painful way, a hit on the head by a frying pan (a very prominent weapon in this show). Rapunzel manages to hide/lock him in the cupboard and before she can show him to mother Gothel, she is dissuaded. Now she comes up with an idea to use Flynn to take her to see the lights blackmailing him using the crown. He agrees and there begins their adventure. I don’t want to give out too much information, it’ll be better for you to watch it yourself, it is really worth it, i plan to rewatch it very soon! Comments on the characters, i like Rapunzel, she’s pretty, funny, smart, somewhat brave and it’s so fun to see her reactions to everything. Flynn is supposed to be the most handsome prince Disney has ever come up with, I AGREE!! He went through the hot guy screening and it’s a pass! I like his sarcastic remarks to Rapunzel’s never ending eagerness. Take this line for example. Rapunzel :Some this brought you here, fate, destiny.. Flynn: A horse.
And the nice stuff he does for her, like the lanterns. He acts all tough and bad but deep down inside he’s so sweet and has this little dream in his heart. Pascal is just so cute, and the perfect sidekick to have. Maximus, like i said before, is very humanlike for a horse. He’s smarter than the guards and when Flynn and him fight, it’s hilarious.
Storyline/plot: Seeing that it’s a fairytale, you’d expect certain things like a Prince and Princess, evil charatcter and a happy ending. Some parts were very predictable, but i’d excuse them as firstly, the movie was made for little kids, not teenagers who have seen/read too many fairytales to know what’s going to happen. And secondly, i think it’s that whole basic plotline that they must follow that makes it a Princess movie.
Animation/Art: WONDERFUL, i love the artwork, how it’s 3D and yet you get to see the old style of hand painting (looks like it). Since i’ve watched almost every promo video that Disney has released for Tangled i know that they used Disneyland as an inspiration for the town. I could really see and feel that in the movie, it was just magical. Two thumbs up to the animators/artists for all wonderful work on the art, loved the tower, the palace, the snugly duckling, oh, just the whole movie!
Favourite scene: The lantern scene. Especially the part where the King and Queen light up the first lantern and everyone else slowly follows. That was the most magical/ cool part of the whole movie.
Songs: The most memorable song for me would be “Now i see the light”, again the lantern scene. Other songs weren’t that impactful. The songs had a link to what was happening of course, but the lyrics weren’t so catchy or the tune was just so so. Or maybe i’m just not a fan of the whole bursting out in song when i feel so very happy in movies. (ok.ok Pascal)
I would really really recommend this movie to everyone. Good job to Zachary Levi (Flynn) and Mandy Moore (Rapunzel) for a great job with the voices. Disney, you hit the target on the whole Disney Princess thing again. The last two, Giselle and Tiana, didn’t really look like they’d fit in with the rest of the gang, (the usuals you know, Cinderella, Ariel, Belle, etc). I am still so hyped up with the movie that i’m collecting every piece and scrap of artwork there is on the internet related to this movie!! I will upload more stuff on Flynn soon, since very much obsessed with him.
1 comment:
On the contrary if you listened to the soundtrack on loop like I did before watching the movie, you'd burst into song along with them. ;)
Also Giselle is not an official Disney princess. :) Disney realized that if they wanted to do that, they'd have to pay royalty for using Amy Adams's face.
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