Yes i was thinking to myself today, when was the last time it rained and oh right, that was yesterday. See the weather is going in extreme's, on minute it's raining everywhere and the next it's as hot as the sahara. Somehow though yesterday there was no rain at a place called jalan imbi, cool eh. Yeah well, my college friend eng hoe invited A0907 to go play captainball at his church at jalan imbi, but then it turns out i was the only one who showed up,swt.
Went to his aunts house and finally got to go inside because normally i just fetch him there and leave. So then as we rode in the car, i got to know his brothers which well, we only get to hear about in college. Reached the church and lo and behold we were early, really early. So just sat down and talked to his bro about manga. And for your information, yeah manga is a good topic to talk to me about, we could go on all day especially if we read the same ones and are on the same page (literally). Met the church members and i tried making friends with the little girl andrea, it was so cute cause at first she was really scared of the ball, but after awhile she got the hang of it. Everyone was nice and just encouraged her not ot be scared, and they were all guys, so that's a nice change, haha.
The game started when more people came and i think in the end there were more girls than guys, all in all the mix was good and there was quite and equal spread of skills between the teams. I have to say this is the most fun i've had playing captainball because half the time we were laughing. See we have a mix of ages from 13 to 20 plus, so when the younger ones get the ball, give them chance la. The main point was to enjoy the game. And the laughing part, well all sorts of things happened and sometimes it was just plain playfulness. The field was small too so i didn't need to run much! yay for me because actually i didn't plan on playing for the whole 2 hours, as i didn't want to hurt myself (mom mentioned that i am clumsy and prone to hurting myself, evident from the sprain i had on both legs) because June is honestly packed with lots of things (yay finally!). But in the end i played all the rounds and it was a good, non streneous exercise. It's nice lah, just to have casual captainball games where everyone is not trying to be so competitive all the time. Competitions are different stories altogether.
After the game we went across the street from the church to this open area where hawkers set up their stalls. While eating i spotted su's dad and bro's, said hi to them and asked them where the famous song su yi was, oh turns out she was at home doing some work. ayohhh. And that was my saturday alright. Before that, i forgot to mention that i bought my sports shoes a few hours before the game. I really did need a pair as my old ones are fit to be put in the museum and put under special care as they're falling apart. And it's purple!! and i bought a purple bag to match too! Because well my backpack was also falling apart, so i needed a new one. Two lovely purple things in one day.
A very unoriginal title but absolutely necessary, because that is exactly what i did, ahahahahahaha. I got sick of the spammers/virus and the people who actually read my blog also commented about it. Honestly, i was on the verge of switching to wordpress because i just thought it would be cool, but that doesn't really solve the problem and it would be abandoning this little plot of space i have in the web realm. Forgive me if i speak weirdly, a daily dose of 'The Big Bang Theory' will do that to you. I think Sheldon cooper is rubbing off on me, ohhh dear.
I really hope this solves the problem of the viruses if not i really have to consider drastic measures. Good computer people out there, do you have a solution for me? no...? anybody? haha i sound like Julie from 'Julie and Julia' the cooking movie, she said something like this too. But then again, her blog turned into a hit and a book and a movie, and here is my little plot of web space.
Anyway, i realised i am about 200 plus views away from 10000 visitors, that is exciting isn't it? Well for me it is...moving on. Ps. this post is random and i'll just talk about anything that pops into my head that has happened recently.
Boardgame Depot.
Facebook page
16A (1st Floor), Lorong Ara Kiri 3, Lucky Garden, Bangsar., 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
My friends and i recently found this place called 'Boardgame Depot' in bangsar, really near bangsar village and so far i've only been there twice but i've had a very fun time already. You won't find the conventional games there because well i think the owner doesn't want to have mainstream boardgames there, meaning no chess, checkers, RISK (sad), monopoly, game of life, cluedo, etc. You get the picture. Instead there are all these cool games from overseas, europe if i'm not mistaken and don't worry, they're in english. The best part is the owner will just explain to you how to play the games, no need to read the instructions. You just have to go there, it's on the first floor by the way, kinda easy to miss so open your eyes, and then tell them like how many people you came with, say 2 or 5 then they'll show you the appropriate game for the number of people you have in your group. The first time i went there, we had 5 people all together and we were introduced to the game niagara.

The other game we played was red appled green apple, something that sounds like that, it's more of a debating/arguing game. Future lawyers who want to practise their debating skills should play this because you're supposed to select a card from your deck that best suits the card that is presented to everyone. Say the card that is presented says 'marriage' then you look at the cards you have and try to convince the judge why the card you picked is associated with 'marriage'.
The last game we played was 'Saboteur', just as the name suggests, that's what some people, the chosen, no, more like the those who get the 'saboteur' cards have to do. See we have the 'miners' who are supposed to mine and find the gold, the sabotuers are supposed to stop them. And you may think it's easy, but when you got friends who are good at bluffing then it gets real hard. This is one game that i would like to play again, if i get a chance.

The second time i visited this place it was just me and vic, so we started with Ubongo (Pics above), which is a little like tetris, you have to solve the puzzle then only do you get to collect the jewels, so the person with the most jewels of the same colour wins. And if you finish first you get to move 3 steps, finish after that and you only get to go 1 step.

ok i think i should stop now. Hope you had fun and this is a good way to start after a hiatus.
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