Yeah, i got baptised today alright! it was kinda exciting if you ask me. Ok i admit it was scary for a few seconds, then i got over it. woohoo!! prayer works ok! don't underestimate it! I was just trusting God to guide me, show me what to do, calm me down and get me through it, and true enough he answered my pray and it went great. except that the pastor said my name wrongly, haha but well this time instead of ppl smiling at you for messing up, i was the one smilling. So Thank God i managed to finally get baptised, thanks to all the ppl who wished me and made me smile with ur crazy messages, "remember your goggles" was one of
I'm really bad at title's i know, come on, that doesn't mean the world is gonna end right? so to the point then.
I was studying perdagangan, more like memorizing and then i got to the point where i started talking to myself, i know...weird, but we all do that sometimes don't we? So i was pretending that i was in a job interview and they were asking me on my views on life, well i gave totally spontaneous responses to my own questions, i can't really remember what i asked myself, but i know one of the questions were "what are you views on the education system making children memorize facts?" Oh yea, i know, we all critisize the education system here. So, well to me i absolutely agree that making kids memorize things is just giving you head knowledge and the chances of you using any of the memorized nilai is.......? Well as my friend and i always say, "the most immoral people score for moral" and i's get moving. (but really i think this subject is like...irrelavant).
But the 'interview' of mine really made me realize that i might be like doing things for the wrong reason and i really should learn how to accept things when they don't go my way or the way i expected it. See i think i have this perfectionist habit in me. Absolutely annoying, especially when i can sense it. But i also did realize that i'm a positive kind of person, always trying to look at the bright side of things, so that good right?Although i have to admit that it was on HOLD for sometime, like a long time, i began to become pessimistic sometime ago, well it's gone now, bwahahahaha. So that's on that.
Went to the Garden's midvalley today, ok before anyone get's the idea of "wah still got exam can still go shopping ah?" talk, i did not waste the whole time, i got my butt in borders, browsed through some books, found a seat and sat there for 1 hour and 20 minutes doing perdagangan past year papers. And i finished it all!!, (please let me show off a bit). Then i met bryan on the way back, those science people, free as a bird, grrrrrrrrrr..........well he watched twilight and said it was nice, i bet it was also to make me jealous...whatver, my time shall come, it shall come. Oh yea, nicole tried to do the same thing too, but she denied ever doing so, but i tricked her. LOL . i'm kinda lazy to explain what i did, but well all i can say is "if you lay out the game field for me, i'll play alright" *evil laughter*
My goodness, these few days have been an astronimical torture, having to finish everything, and it's so near the end, yet so far. I know most of you knowhow it feels, i think it's a whole phsychology thing really, but we'll fight alright! we'll fight, and when we're done, who knows what we'll do? (in a conquer the world tone)
Oh yea, i got hooked to naruto shippuden again, and vampire knight (both accidentally) and liar game, because of a drawing i saw.......i basically have to hit myself a million times for this. uhuh. And i nearly recycled my original PMR result paper.....good thing i found it when i went throught the recycle pile. The dangerous aspect of recycling...
Just a note about Liar game, i feel it's a really cool manga, something fresh you know, after a long time. So i rea through some comments and many people tend to comment that the main character is really dumb and naive and they want her to die. Well to me, i think that the mangaka put her in like that to
a) start the story
b)probably make her the 'light' character, since the story tends to be intense with you trying to figure out what the main guy is gonna do.
c) if there was just this smart guy in the story, then it'll be like you're totally rooting for him, and people would start to say it's unrealistic blah blah.
yea there will always be critics who are totally anti, but there will always be supporters too. i watched the series, and it's kinda funny really, and i got used the guy that looked kinda girly. But since i read the manga and know what's gonna happen it's bland to me. But ust because i know what's gonna happen in the end, nothing else, probably some reactions are over, but that's te japanse sytle of doing things, notice that?
And this is the end of the longest post i have made. *self clap*
pacing outside,
to the left, turn and back the direction you came
Not a sound can be heard inside
you look around, the others nod at you slightly to assure you
You look at the door, shut tight
not a sound ca be hears inside
you wonder if everything's ok
When are they going to be done?
Soon the door opens
"How is it?" you ask the person who came out
"it was fine" is the reply
you're relieved. good, you tell yourself
"i could answer all the questions"
with relief you smile and you can finally walk away satisfied.
ok, actually, this is about a teacher waiting outside the exam hall for the students to come out. Yeah, and it was supposed to be like a hospital scene. I was inspired to write this when i came out from after finishing my math paper and my teacher was standing there and the first thing he asked me was "ok ah?" so it reminds me of the scene where there is an operation going on and the doctor comes out and the patients relatives are all eager to find out how it is. Hope you get it. haha.
It's coming alright, time to embrace and be ready. Well i was a little freaked out this afternoon, plus i felt a little uncomfortable in the stomach. Hard to breath, couldn't sleep. Yeah, then i decided to commit SPM to God and let him handle it cause well, he can lah. But the freaked out feeling didn't just go away like that. I still felt really scared, then i started singing, Jesus loves me this i know. Yeah then i continued on to the song "Big" by planet shakers i think. And each word was like power man. just singing and calming myself down. Wow, awesome. These are the lyrics i just kept singing till i fell asleep and what a good sleep it was.
So strong so mighty
My God's plan for me
Goes beyond my wildest dreams
My God is good
He's so good to me
My God is big
So strong so mighty
My God is good
He's so good to me
He's my God and
He is my refuge
He's the rock on which I stand
He's my fortress
God, He is my life
He holds the oceans in His hand
On another subject, today my brain was full of info and i really couldn't stuff anymore into it,so i went outside to enjoy the scenery. Then my dad came back, and he asked me why my face burnt, (he means why got pimples), then he made a little joke, can't remember it though and then left. So then i was thinking, yeah guess it is stressfull, this SPM thing, then i looked at the flowers, and remembered this verse, "even solomon with all his richess couldn't have clothes as beautiful as the flowers" and the verse is about how God feeding the crows who don't gather in crops or plant seeds and grass, basically the verse is about NOT WORRYING. So it was really cool, like a reminder from God not to worry. So when you're stressed look at the sky, ask yourself "is the sky still up there" most probably your answer will be yes, then tell yourself "then there's nothing to worry about"
I'm doing a little cramming session on science, oh far so good, i'm not mad yet...(echo). It's in 10 days, uhuh. wonder how the invigelators will look like, hope they're nice people, hope they're not those scary face ones. Hope something like that incident during PMR (coughsilivacough) might happen and we all laugh. Hope we all do well in SPM. oh yeah baby!! lol!
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