- Mulan
- Hercules
- Atlantis
- The emperor's New groove
I wish i could go for this concert : http://www.theradiocitylotrconcert.com/ it would be ultra mega awesome!! Seeing the website already made me go gaga, the music is beautiful and what better way to appreciate it by hearing it live! I'm somehow into classical/instrumental/soundtrack instrumental music nowadays, mostly soundtrack though.
Another thing that came up on my wishlist is Code Geass Art Book, i have never wanted an anime artbook so much as this, not even FMA and that's saying alot. I don't know, it must have started when i was viewing fanart, and there was this pic of suzaku in his knight of zero suit, but without the cape and it blew me away. And the eupemia cosplay pictures that i have been viewing too, i was wondering which dress of hers was the best because there are some really lavish and beautiful ones in the artbook which are drawn in detail, as expected. Oh and i'm not really a suzaku fan, but that pic was just wow you know? liked him only around the ending parts, when he became the knight of zero. But Lelouch rocks all the way!
So that is currently on my wishlist.....the first one is impossible i know, unless they somehow come to singapore, then i may have a chance. Second one awaits me in Kinokuniya.
Feeling kinda bored these few days, decided to spontaneously go back to school on monday, hehe. It felt good just to go back and meet everyone. Although, the funny thing was....almost everyone thought i started college already! hahahahaha it's kinda funny cause some people asked "wah, you're so free ah? your break start already?" and i would be like "Uh...what break?" or "Actually i'm still having my long holiday" something like that.
I realized some teachers changed their hairstyles, and i'm wondering to myself "what are you doing still having the same boring hairstyle when you have the freedom to change?" i guess i just don't know what kind of hairstyle would fit, and i'm a really lazy person so i don't think i can manage it, hehe.
Mdm irene sorta offered me this book, like 8-10 years old girl romance that age book, but i really can't stand that kind of level of the understanding of love, you know... "oh that boy<
Oh, and i did what i usually did, i messed up all the rubix cubes i could find in the staffroom. Yup, that's what i usually did. At first it started off as a trap to find out who mysteriously solved all the messed up rubix cubes in the staffroom, well i found out it was mr eiran, lol and then i just did it so that he won't get bored, hahaha. He has like 3 on his desk. One has sunburn (mr eiran and miss ellen laughed at that one). And i'm always called miss siow because i sit at her place when she's in class. I also started writing the manual for the prefects event planning. I finished it yesterday at home though (haha i don't have a job but i'm already working from home). It was tough doing it because well, i haven't done anything major serious for some time, hehe and i had to sqeeze my brains to remember how i planned those events and if i missed anything out. Stressful haha. But when the job is done, i felt relieved.
Oh yes, mr gilbert was rushing off to his class, hehe, i asked where he was studying (sounds weird right?) and mr nigel told me in UCSI, then i asked...is he the oldest there? and he replid me laughing and saying "he's doing his masters" ahhh mystery solved.
So i think i'll go back on fri for teachers day, i'm trying to get a free ice cream, hehe.
Ok, when you comment in a c-box and i (mandy) want to reply you, is it normal to reply within my own chatbox or am i supposed to go to you blog and reply in your chatbox? what if the person i want to reply to doesn't have a chat box? see i kinda followed the format/way of this other blogger who replied within her own chatbox in her own blog....i should have asked this earlier i know, but better late than never?
My sleeping/awake clock is broken, really. I slept at 9.30p.m thinking "ok, i'll sleep early and wake up early" but i woke up at 1.15 a.m (now) and i have practically the whole night ahead of me. whoopy. Hmmm this is the perfect time to go driving though....haha kidding la. But it is a friday night, saturday morning to be exact, what to do, what to do.....
I just finished watching the final episode of gossip girl season 2 and it was sooo sweet awww chuck and blair finally!! nyahahahahahhahahaha. There are hints that there will be a season 3, the whole georgina scene, and scott guy appearing and serena looking for her dad thing. Woot! can't wait, can't wait! oh yeah, Jenny is the new queen bee, hope she really kills the heirachy as she claimed to want to do. This show has been a entertaining series, i just love blairs sarcastic remarks, blair and chuck sceming to bring someone down, qoute -season 2 finale-
chuck: i'll get some stats
venessa and nate together? uh....never really cared much about them really. Nate to me is the "I have so many issues in my life" character and he's trying to rise above it all. But not as appealing as the rest of the characters.
I can't wait for more to come!!
Today is my self proclaimed INTERNATIONAL CAKE DAY!! All hail cakes! All hail cakes! Well in the end i didn't get to eat any cakes (it's just my excuse to eat cakes btw) BUT on the contrary.....it's actually international Museum day. Really i read it in the newspaper. Apparently you're supposed to be able to visit museums for free till friday, yup.
But wouldn't it be cool if it was actually international cake day? yup? yup? CAKES RULE!!
High five to anyone who counts how many times the word cake is mentioned in this post!
Yes there is such a thing for those of you who have just come across this ultra super new word.....lol, kidding la. So Mr daniel decided to belanja us and he picked this place. He asked us to google it (that is SO him). It was just mr daniel, lynn, pong, wayne, vic, ken li, ming yao and me. Small but nice comfy group. I was the last to arrive of course, due to *cough cough* the distance of my hse from Sri Petaling and all. They ordered the normal staemboat stuff, but other than the normal steamboat soup there was of course porridge la, what did you expect from a porridge steam boat. It was pretty nice, though the porridge got burnt haha. Had a good time talking about good old school days and laughing about it. We were the last customers there and the owners had cleaned up everything already, then we finally left. So that was the steamboat porridge outing, hehe.
Since i have not been blogging i shall just put in a filler post....reminds you of naruto heh?
Here's a funny alladin dub that esther recommended to me:
Oh yes, we finally had a sleepover last teus and we decided to do something absolutely random....bake cupcakes! but f course because it was random, so we didn't really have the proper utensils so the cupcakes came out FLAT. haha we named it morgan. and then ate it.
That's all i think.
This was the 2008 prefectorial board, and well we didn't get to wear these badges last year, but they were given to us as a token for rememberence and appreciation, hehe SHINY!!
These three people whose names are on the badges are really great and wonderful people! without their help and their patience nothing could have been as it had turned out. Thanks jas, lynn and nicole for you help and support, hehe i know i can be a crazy and sometimes not a really good head prefect but you guys stayed and helped pull everything together. So thanks again!
Have you heard the song 'How to save a life' by the fray? I read the lyrics carefully and realized there's not much content to the song cause it's a little bit hanging and it really doesn't help you to save a friends life, preferbly if you were the one being saved you better pray your friend didn't take advice from this song. When you first hear the song it says:
He walks you say sit down it's just a talk < <Sounds reasonable
He smiles politely back at you
You stare politely right on through
Some sort of window to your right
As he goes left and you stay right
Between the lines of fear and blame
You begin to wonder why you came << You wanted to help that friend remember?
okok then it goes to the chorus, let's skip that for awhile then go to the next verse:
Cause after all you do know best
Try to slip past his defense
Without granting innocence
Lay down a list of what is wrong
The things you've told him all along
And pray to God he hears you
And pray to God he hears you
--So at this point you might be saying to yourself "ok, i guess those are kinda like the stuff i normally do" now let's go to the last verse:
You lower yours and grant him one last choice
Drive until you lose the road
Or break with the ones you've followed
He will do one of two things
He will admit to everything
Or he'll say he's just not the same
And you'll begin to wonder why you came
Now finaly the lyrics:
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life
---where did i go wrong match it with had i known how to save a life, and you get the answer, tadah! controvertial? totally. Yup, and the lyrics just repeats itself over and over again. This really reminds me of that poem we studied for SPM where the writer says he's over the girl but is contradicting himself in the poem by being obviously in denial. In relation to the poem and song, the song writer sounds like, well actually it's obvious that he was absolutely clueless on how to help a friend and in the end, well he lost that friend. And he thought he knew how to save that friend.
This post is not to flame the song, no no, actually seeing this song reminded me of the international students camp i went to, and how i experienced a totally new environment. I was used to camps having a huge list of rules and games where groups compete against each other. But no, in this camp, we just had a simple rule, listen to the leaders and when the hand is up, just keep quiet, and guess what it worked. It worked for a group of youths from 10 diff countries speaking diff languages. You try to unite diff nations and tell me how hard that is, but this simple and soft method worked neveraless. We also had groups, first i thought "oh great, we're all gonna have to be forced to compete against each other" but it turned out that the games were for fun (yea, i know,this may sound shocking to some experienced campers) and to teach you simple lessons. I had the time of my life! and without the stress of having to gain points, we all still worked well as a group.
Next is the love and forgiveness i felt during the camp. I kinda broke this lady's 20 year old blending machine which she had earlier said never failed her. I was sweating and worrying like crazy on how i broke a strangers prized blender. I thought she would kill me and skin me alive. i was really that worried because back home i would have gotten the scolding of my life. But the surprising thing was, she was totally NOT mad, and she was saying all the time "Don't worry, don't worry, i'm not going to kill you for this" (she really said that).
Now to relate the song and these situations, i was thinking what if everyone was more relaxed and forgiving to everyone else, and they would not always try to force you to do something, they'll let you do it out of your own will. What if people didn't get mad automatically when something went wrong, instead they would ask YOU if you were ok, if you were hurt or anything. If everyone was like that all the time, i don't think people would want to kill themselves because then they would feel loved. i think everyone in the world is looking for some love.
I did think to myself "How can i be more like these people? how can i not get angry at people for doing something that would make me angry but instead learn to care for them" this is totally the opposite of what the song said "Lay down a list of what is wrong The things you've told him all along" i feel like, if you do that it's like telling the person, see this is what you've done wrong, and i absolutely warned you about it. It honestly wouldn't make me feel better, it would make me feel like a complete idiot and want to kill myself more. But what if we said "Hey it's ok, we all make mistakes, it's not the end of the world right? the sky's still hanging up there, and you're still alive." Well something like that i guess. PS: i still haven't come up with the solution or the method to the question i asked myself see.
So yea, i think giving a person love is how to save a life, wether or not that life is at the edge of being lost or that life is still living a normal life.
OLIVIA!! yay! hehe. So in honour of her, this whole post and day shall be dedicated to olivia!!
I asked her for a funny/her fave qoute and here it is, be inspired people!!
Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.
-calvin and hobbes. (:
So now, go to her blog and congratulate her! ahahahahaha (nola, i'll do that, u don't have to)
hehe, anyway, olivia, i've known her since i was what...9? haha met her in cell group and been friends ever since. She introduced me to tessa, been friends ever since too! haha. Our families formed a group called the lunch group where we wold have lunch every sunday. We did loads of things including having quarrels with the guys. Now sadly olivia has migrated to jakarta, but she still comes back often enough! =) She doesn't need to take PMR, lucky girl? i dunno really, international standards must be higher hehe. So that's all i have to say.
Chocolate chips have ruled this batch of muffins my mom made!! ahahahaa!! and btw the muffins turned out the way they are thanks to my ultimate technique of layering!! (don't listen to what my mom says against it) So my mom finally made muffins for me and guess what...they finished in less than 24 hours, and the WHOLE family was critisizing me on how random baking muffins are....good thing i ate the last one. ahahaha. Anyway this whole batch was chocolate chips ONLY!! yes! no evil raisins!
"hahahaha and so the evil raisins have lost this battle! To the chocolate chips i say this to you, this is only the beginning!! there are more batches of muffins to come, more battles ahead of us! do not let those second class raisins take our victory! they are the mutation of the great grapes of which they originate from! the grapes suffer great shame on this as they have to bear the guilt of being related to raisins who have dried up and shriveled from their once great form! being a grape! But you chocolate chips are the direct decendants of chocolates! you are one of the great forms of which chocolates come in! Be proud of yourself! lift your banner high!" -a speech by pandarific to the chocolate chips, dated 6th may, while lying on the floor LOL-
Sorry raisin fans.....i just wasn't born to like raisins. Oh ya, this does not mean raisins won because they weren't eaten, the real point here is that chocolate chips were the ones chosen for the great task of proving to be delicious and they have succeeded of course. As for raisins, they can find second classplaces to be put in...say like uh....ginger cookies, they can share a place with ginger i guess, but not wit chocolate chips which rule as the ultimate ingredient!!
I have a new conspiracy theory, and this time, it's o chicken rice!! yes!! it's chicken rice! now have you ever heard people tell you that you can get the 'BEST' chicken rice if you go here, or if you go there? well it's a true cnspiracy AGAINST the TRUE chicken rice. yes that's right. Just because it may be the BEST chicken rice, doesn't mean that chicken rice HAS to taste like that. Why can't chicken rice be a bit more saltier? or more oiler? (just examples) what i wrong with going to a random stall and ordering chicken rice from that stall?
My point here is that, the original tast of the first chicken rice EVER made has been long lost due to all this conspiracy acts of claiming that chicken rice MUST taste like a certain so so taste. So people, next time you eat the BEST CHICKEN RICE. ask yourselves, "is this part of the conspiracy acts? is this the result of it?" I leave you now my friends to ponder on this. Have a nice day.
BTW if you're visitor number 350 (on this blog...duh) take a screenshot!! and email it to me!! you shall get a specila present!!
I have decided on what i will do for the remainder of my holiday:
- study add math
- read
- try to learn how to make plushies
- try to learn how to make little clay stuff
- Cook
Yesterday was lynn's birthday, so we had a small little surprise thing for her in 1U, eh if you wanna read about it go to either lynn's blog or victor's cause i'm kinda lazy to type it all out.
Bored and nothing to do? then go to http://www.breathingearth.net/ it's kinda cool, and it's like watching what is happening in the world. So have fun.
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