Chuck and Blair Gossip girl season 3 Episode 3 my fave qoutes

Blair (to Georgina): Don't think you can run me out of my own room with a half naked Dan Humpfrey.
Georgina: Fine, stay, you may learn something.
Chuck: I came to apologize
Blair: So apologize
Chuck: Uh that was it, but it comes with a bottle of champagne
Blair: (reads chucks hp message) Got word photo could go for 5500? how could you?
Chuck: (takes blairs phone) Mcmollin went for 3000? Deroda's counter intelligence isn't what it used to be.
Blair: Don't change the subject!
Blair: The photograph is mine! (takes her stuff and chucks shoes)
Chuck: She stole my shoes?
Serena: You and chuck are the most self centered, damaged people i know.
Blair: I'm not following
Blair: (gives chuck the photo) I want you to have this.
Chuck: Why?
Blair: Because i love you, you enormously stubborn pain in the ass
Chuck: (Gives his signature smile)
Blair: I believe in you, and if this is what it takes for you to believe in you....then it's worth it.
Chuck:...I was thinking too small, why settle....for some club in a hotel.....when you can just buy the hotel...
(So classic chuck Bass)
I just love chuck/blair scenes or scenes with blair in it hahahaha these two are so funny together! Just don't get on their bad side! I feel that episode has been the best episode so far, far overshadowing the first two episodes of this season, of course the season has just started! so yea. If it continues to be this good, i can't wait!
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