I have one question to ask....Why is it that only one friend of mine said this show was Awesome?? Unless i missed out anyone else. This show is Awesome, A team should not only stand for Alpha Team, but Awesome Team. See the picture above,
Bradley Cooper is really hot in this part! Fangirling here, but yeah.
Bradley Cooper is really hot in this part! Fangirling here, but yeah.

I had no prior information about the movie before watching it except for a friend who said it was awesome, and my friend olivia wanted to watch it too, so we just bought tickets practically 5 minutes before the show, that's how last minute it was. All i knew, guessing from the poster, that it had a lot to do with guns and action. Spot on!
Sypnosis (From IMDB):
Four American soldiers who are in Iraq are sent on a mission to recover plates for printing 100 dollar bills that were used to print a billion dollars. After doing the job and returning to the base their commanding officer is killed in an explosion and the plates are stolen by another operative. They would be court martialed and sent to different prisons. 6 months later, the leader, Hannibal Smith is visited by a CIA spook who tells him he knows where the man who took the plates is and wants him and his men to recover it. So he helps him escape and he breaks out the others and they go after the plates. But after doing it, they discover that the spook might not be ok. And a military intelligence officer who was involved with one of them is pursuing them. Written by rcs0411@yahoo.com
I especially love murdock, he's a lunatic and declared crazy, but he's so funny and a really really good helicopter pilot. Face is the hottest, Baracus is tough but nice too especially the jokes they play on him having a fear of being in a plane. And the leader Smith, he's a good leader, caring for his team members and excellent strategist. I like each and every character because they're so distinct and you just grow to love them as the movie goes on.
The jokes are funny, not dirty funny or cheap funny, but good old laugh out loud funny. That's hard to get these days. One part that i don't really like is that the action scenes were filmed close up, so you see them punching and the action is all around. You can't really see what's really happening but you get that they're pulling punches all around. I guess it is realistic, but a bit confusing as you don't know who's punching who and it makes me a little dizzy. I also got a few people mixed up as i think they look alike (This may just be me).
So go! Watch it!
You missed out me. I thought it was kick-ass. Made my week. >8D
Liam Neeson (and Bradley too) is teh sex.
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