All the pictures are from the manga, exactly which chapter i'm not so sure, sorry! The first two is the one where yuki and machi get together, aww so sweet, i'm happy with the pairing, yuki sees tohru as a mother anyway, so it would be awkward if they were paired together. And the last pic is Kisa and Hiro, those two are the young couple in the manga, and hiro turned out really good looking in the end eh? haha. Copyright of Natsuki Takaya, she did a wonderful job in this manga! In the end, i think everyone had a pairing and it was satisfying. You follow a manga for a long time, you expect a good ending!
It's over! the event that i specially mark out each year in my calendar is over...awww.... Before i write a detailed report, i'll just write about the stuff i bought. This year, the doujin booths were selling loads of hetalia and vocaloid stuff, sadly, i wasn't into those!! so nothing much to sell to a customer like me who's only looking out for CODE GEASS and NARUTO SHIPPUDEN stuff. sad i know. But nevertheless, helps to save my pocket from burning a huge hole, gotta save up for singapore right? Luckily for me, some artist though of niche markets like me and i was a ready customer, i bought:
1. Naruto shippuden akatsuki 2010 calendar
2. CC and Anya keychains
3. Lelouch's eyes bookmark (really cool!!)
4. Asian countries sticker (Hetalia)
5. A postcard of pain and his friends when they were young.
That's all about comic fiesta for now.
On another note, yesterday i went for the club christmas party, and i was looking at these people making christmas tree's for the christmas tree making contest, and well to be honest they just made the tree the way the organisers of the contest told them too, i was a little bored i admit, so i ust went ahead and joined too. I already had my concept in mind, it was the spiral kinda christmas tree, so i got my dad to figure out the engineering side of it, meaning, how to make it stand and stay in shape, and my mom decided to chip in too near the end when she saw me and my dad working on it. So i won first place!! yay!!! got RM200 voucher to spend in the club. Oh yeah, it was a good thing i signed up late too anyway, i got all the leftover glitter that they had,so they just gave it all to me hehe.
With Comic Fiesta just in a few days, here's info on one of the events for Day 2. It's a new event so come and check it out!
Following on the success of the Portfolio Review Pavilion, Comic Fiesta 2009 is proud to present a new event for the year: Comic Fiesta Industry Seminar! It will be half-day long (on Day 2) and will have speakers from the creative industry taking the stage to share their views and experiences.
The theme of the Industry Seminar is: Bridging the Creatives (last year’s event theme). As the local, as well as the global, creative industry and talent pool grows larger and larger, the seminar is something that will certainly help with educating the market on trends, performances, and forecasts of the creative industry.
Entry for this event is free!
Speakers and Topics Include:
Stanley Lau, Co-Founder & Creative Director (Imaginary Friends Studio)
Be A Digital Artist with Style
This session is open for those who would like to understand more about the digital art industry in general and what it takes to be a successful digital artist. Points of discussion include the challenges, opportunities as well as the myths of being a digital artist. Main factors of focus are learning how one can create a style for their art and make it commercially relevant and valuable to the industry.
Short Bio
As Co-founder and Creative Director, Artgerm plays a vital role in both the operational and creative aspects of the business. He often finds himself dividing his time between creating great art, overseeing projects and meeting up with current or potential clients. Formally trained in visual communication and advertising, he is experienced and highly-capable in a wide range of creative skills; from digital painting, graphic design to digital imaging. Artgerm’s works have garnered much attention and a huge following of fans from around the world, and his art can be found in many publications such as Spectrum, Expose, ImaginaryFX, Corel Painter and Fusion Junction.
For people who live in pinang and singapore, if you're thinkng of coming for Comic Fiesta on the 19-20th dec the committee has specially arranged a special package for you guys! click the link for more info! LINK
Make sure to print the discount voucher and show it to the Aeroline ticket vendors for the special discount! this offer is only valid for the dates 18 December to 23 December 2009.
Ever wondered where your stuff comes from and where it goes to? Come on, it doesn't just go poof right in front of you right? Watch the video then click the link to find out about the story of the stuff you have in a way you've never heard before!
I'm talking about episode 127-130, Seriously, Pain, Konan, go hit yourself on the head real hard and remember who jiraya is to you, especially pain, thinking you're god and all that. Gee, you really wonder what went wrong in that time frame where jiraya left them and now that could have caused this terrible change in them. And tobi, who knew he was that guy, he was so cheerful and funny, ahhh lesson learnt, you don't wanna underestimate the happy characters. I really wonder if the mangaka of naruto really thought through the storyline this far, logically you'd say yes, but it's a really elaborate storyline lor. haha need to learn how to think of stories that are this elaborate. On the happy side, it's nice to see minato and kushina, who knew minato would read jiraya's book! (it wasn't the horny one). It's weird to see oorochimaru as one of the good guys and not good enough to beat the bad guys, tsunade was so cute as a young girl and a bit like sakura. One reacurring thing in this naruto series is how jiraya's team and naruto's team have so many similarities, as in, sakura and tsunade like the hot quiet guy, sasuke and oorochimaru and hate the noisy guy, naruto and jiraya. And the cool guy turns out to be bad, sasuke, oorochimaru, though sasuke is not that bad yet. That was regarding ep 127-128, i admit i felt a little bored though. Now on ep 129-130, like i said pain should wake up and konan too. sadla how you spare someones life and now they want to kill you without hesitation. sad right? I'm expecting a really heated fight since these characters are all at the top of their skills. Too bad we don't get to see much of the naruto gang nowadays and recently sasuke's gang. Till i see more!
Ps. i don't read the naruto manga cause honestly i feel lazy and they're gonna animate it anyway, and they follow quite closely, so i might as well see it in action with colour and sound right? hehe.excuses excuses. So if you read the manga and say, tsk tsk, what this girl doesn't know yet about what's gonna happen, well sorry la....i'll catch up one day! ok two posts at almost the same time, i'm on fire here!!
Just some clarification for the sake of it, don't want you to get confused with the Disney version yeah? Decided to watch it today, i only heard about it ...i forgot how i heard about it already haha, but anyway i was really excited about it, after all, i LOVED the Disney version. The cinema was full of chinese people because well it's a mandrin show, and thank God for subtitles!! I had to tell myself at the beginning that i should not think of the Disney version and compare this with it. So, what can i say? i enjoyed the movie very much!! Although i was reading the subtitles, i managed to laugh at the jokes too! i get chinese jokes! nah, it's not your all american jokes kinda thing, these kinda jokes can only happen in chinese movies, don't ask me why. Note that i'm not talking about what's happening in the movie, well i'm afraid if i do i'll get carried away and give out all the spoilers. Sorry guys, i just can't be trusted with that much of power....lalalala.
But here's what i enjoyed, 1. the array of characters in the movie, they really a good combo of those, from the evil bad guy, not so evil bad guy, funny guys, damsels in distress, random white guy, Mulan (duh) she's the strong heroine la and the hot guy! 2. They didn't go the western style of intepreting love, meaning, scenes where there's a passionate kiss and then the characters sleep together, if they did this, i think it would have spoilt the whole movie, cause, well chinese people aren't western people. (not trying to be racist or classifying people) 3. I love mulan so i'm basically a fan of it by default.
There are of course some demerit areas such as, why didn't they show mulan's battle strategies a little more elaborately? And the singing part, well a bit fake how they magically had the strength to get up you know. Oh and i read somewhere that no one found out mulan was a girl till after the war, but in the movie, of course they found out before the war ended.
I think Mulan and the other princess and some servants are the only girls in the movie, the rest is full of guys. It is a war movie after all. For me the war scenes we good, i dunno, how are you supposed to comment on how good or bad a war scene is anyway? lol. Although, how the good guys horses always seem to be in perfectly good shape is hard to believe hehe. okok, this is not a really good review since i'm not actually telling anyone much about the movie, it's just that i want you to watch it for yourself and i don't want to spoil anything! Sorry people!
Today is the day it's released and i got to watch it! wow it feels kinda cool to be able to watch a movie on it's premeir date. And i noticed something today, the new moon ad in the newspapers is a bit different from the rest, normally they would put on the poster, RELEASED TODAY, but on the New Moon Ad, it RELEASED TODAY! notice the exclamation mark at the end? it's like the cinema's are so excited that it's released, of course la, they know it'll earn them big bucks.
So about the movie, to sum it up,
New Moon = Guys taking off their shirts, seriously it feel like the whole movie is just an excuse for them to show off their bodies and to get girls to go "oooh" and "ahhh". 2 scenes involving taking off shirts, countless scenes with shirtless guys and 2 very lame attempts to make the guys look cool and collected.
I wasn't all hyped up about the movie, i went to watch it because it's a so called 'must see' movie and i've already seen the first one so might as well la. Oh yes, i forgot, i get to critisize it too =). If you ask me which was better the movie or the book, i would say they're at the same level, the movie did have if i'm not mistaken all the important parts, reading the second book was a chore to me honestly. Mei Xian and i were laughing at parts where the movie director wanted girls to melt at the sight of a shirtless Edward or Jacob, when Jacob took off his shirt i went "swt", seriously. To me it looked like he was waiting anxiously to take his shirt off. Edward unbottoning his shirt and taking it off looked like he was about to star in a porn movie or something, he has got to wear his pants higher! And the warewolf pack, i dunno, did they tear off all their shirts after transforming countless times, i guess fans can argue that they don't wear their shirt because they would need to transform at any time and it would be a hassel if they tore all their shirts....then what about the pants dudes? Alice, i just love her character, happy, powerful and cute. The rest of the cullen pack had barely 5 lines in the whole movie, ahh well i guess that's why there wasn't much fuss about them. The jokes weren't funny, i don't know why people were laughing, and finally when i went out of the cinema i saw the sign "did you leave anything behind?" and i replied "my sense of humour" because well, the show kind of took that away temporarily, it's not funny, no, i guess they do try but let's just give them a clap for that eh?Other lame scenes include, the one where Edward first appears and they made it slow motion, his hair was flying at just the right height and it's just the typical 'here comes the hot guy scene'. An irritating scene would be the one where Edward leaves Bella and she just sits by the window while the camera rotates and shows the months passing by, not only is it annoying, it makes you head spin and you can totally predict that they're just gonna turn another round around her. A scene that did not make sense was the one where she returns after riding with the biker guy, in real life, when you hop on a strangers bike, you don't get home safe and in one piece.
Now for the good points. Fight scenes were good, i reacted when the fight ended and it seemed like it was the end for Edward, the graphics for the warewolves are nicely done and it blends in well with the movie. They looked like a mix of bears and wolves, but then Jacob just looks like a wolf to me. Dakota faning was in the movie! but as mean little jane, wow i didn't expect her voice to sounds like that though. Love the italian scene and the cars ahhh, ferari, and in the classic yellow too!
The verdict? It's not a guy movie, if you're anti twilight don't let your friends pull you into watching the movie, if you're a twilight fan, go nuts then, especially if you're into the main guys. I would buy pirated DVD or watch it when it comes out on Astro. Rating 5/10
I went for this exhibition yesterday with esther and pauline, wanted to go with a few more people but it just didn't work out, oh well, i still had lots of fun and learned loads of things. I actually bought the tickets in advance in college that day and sadly i couldn't get a costs RM25 for adults and RM20 for kids. For the price we pai, i would say that it was worth it because there really are a lot of things to see, about 188 exhibits and video's all around, one documentary to watch in the mini theatre. My fave inventions are the wind measuring tool, humidity measuring tool, the emergency bridge and parachute. Of course i found the Mona Lisa fascinating, got to see so much more into the picture that i wouldn't have noticed at all. Take for example the background, the chair she was sitting on, the cloth she was holding to cover her lap and the veil she was wearing.
After the exhibition, we just went around the other areas of the science centre and there was a science show, i don't know if it was for that particular group of women,but we just randomly sit la, thanks to pauline. The stuff they showed us we all learned in science already, haha the funniest thing was the guy asked everyone "what do you see on the whiteboard" people said "nothing" because i suppose they thought there was supposed to be a picture, but i said "paper" and i was correct! hehe. I'm suspecting the show was only for that group, so while the guy was talking, esther and I were busy taking pictures of ourselves. haha cam whore! That's all i guess, just a few details if you're interested in going to see the exhibit yourself.
Place: Pusat Sains Negara
Open: Everyday, including public holidays
Ticket price: RM 25 adult, RM 20 Child
Period of exhibition: 1 Oct 09-17 Jan 2010
Anime Festival Asia 2009 expects to draw regional fans with top names from Japan confirmed.
Programme packed line-up targets anyone interested in Japanese Popular Culture by offering a wide showcase of the hottest trends from Japan.
“Anime Festival Asia is geared towards bringing together the community to celebrate all things they love, and to provide a platform for the regional and local anime generation to gain direct access to very exclusive content never before available in this part of the world. This is an exciting time for us; as we look to bring new dimensions to the festival this year! !”
Special Guests this year include:
The voice actresses of K-ON! will make an appearance for the first time overseas. The cast will be doing a live dubbing a scene from the animation, in addition to a Question and Answer session on the main stage.
“持ってけ!” One More Time!
The singing voice of Sheryl Nome from Macross Frontier will return to Singapore for AFA this year with new songs and a brand new performance experience, featuring first ever live performances from the latest Macross Frontier Movie.
ANIKI: The Legend returns!
Our Aniki is back to Singapore as “The Most Famous Japanese in the World.” Aniki is back for more new performance this time! Anison spirit (魂) burns once more!
Special Appearance!
The World Most Popular Virtual Idol, Hatsune Miku to perform LIVE in Singapore for its very first overseas appearance. Not to be missed!
Anime Superstar – First concert in Singapore!
Multi-talented (Actress, Cosplayer, Voice Actress, Illustrator, Manga-ka, Idol, and Blogger!) Get ready for the ride of your life!
1st Overseas Unplugged Concert!
Member of JAM Project. Guitarist, singer, and songwriter, Yoshiki Fukuyama will be performing the first time ever in Singapore!
The Blogger of “Best Japan Blog” of 2009 (July 2009 Forbes Magazine) will appear at Anime Festival Asia 2009 and will also speak at Asia Animation Conference 2009.
Renowned Cosplayer
Kaname☆ will be one of the judges of AFA Regional Cosplay Championship and will conduct a closed door Cosplay Panel Session at AFA09.
Exciting and Exclusive Content at the Festival also include:
FEAT. Ichirou Mizuki, Shoko Nakagawa, Hatsune Miku, Yoshiki Fukuyama and MAY'N!
Akiba Town brings Akihabara right to the shores of Singapore with a market place that retails all things anime and Japanese related! Get ready to indulge yourself with a wealth of very exclusive items, brands include Bandai, COSPA, Bushiroad, and more!
Hosting the first ever Regional Cosplay Championship in SE Asia, top cosplay teams from SE Asia will convene to compete and be judged by celebrity judges from Japan, including famous cosplayer KANAME☆
Take in the cozy ambience of a traditional bistro as we re-create the special atmosphere found in maid cafes all around the world and just for a special moment, let your troubles all go away.
More details at:
Email us at:
Entrance Tickets: Normal-$15/day-$25/weekend
Free Entry for students under 12
Event starts from 10 a.m-9p.m
I Love Anisong tickets- $108/1 day pass- $188/2 day pass
The Storm Warriors is an upcoming 2009 Hong Kong martial arts/wuxia film, produced and directed by the Pang brothers. It is the second live-action film adaptation of screenwriter Ma Wing-Shing's manhua Fung Wan, following the 1998 film The Storm Riders. The Pangs have stated that the film is not a direct sequel to The Storm Riders, but more of a stand-alone film with a separate storyline.
Evil warlord Lord Godless desired to conquer China. He imprisoned a large number of martial artists and tried to make them subjugate. Among the prisoners were Cloud and the martial arts elder statesman Nameless. Wind came to the rescue. The trio was badly wounded by Lord Godless's evil martial arts attack. Chu Chu was also knocked out when she blocked Cloud from Lord Godless's strike. The remaining martial artists sacrificed their lives to save the trio, in the hope that the trio would beat Lord Godless one day and save the country.
Chu Chu was badly wounded and stayed unconsious. Cloud was filled with remorse and vowed to take revenge. Wind chose to take the evil way to quickly boost up his martial arts skills, so that he could protect the people. During his training, he met the girl who changed his life, Dream. Meanwhile, the troop of Lord Godless came to attack. Wind's training was interrupted when he tried to save Dream from Lord Godless's assault. After some killings, Wind disappeared...
Lord Godless took The Emperor in captivity and stationed his troops in Heaven Cave. Cloud arrived alone and started a combat with Lord Godless. Lord Godless had the upper hand. Suddenly, the half-evil Wind appeared and joined the battle. Durng the fight, they inadvertently discovered the secret of the sovereign.
The real intention of Lord Godless's invasion was related to an ancient tomb, a forbidden ground buried with the Royal Family's secret. The truth was finally revealed. At last, how would the battle end and who would eventually rule China?
[Taken from Wikipedia]Just thought of giving a little background for people who don't know anything about this upcoming movie. The One Academy is having a contest for those out there who love to draw. All you have to do is create your very own comic hero!
That's all...really! And you can actually win scholarships to study in The One Acedemy or prizes worth more than RM150,000!! (now i really wish i could draw to save my life) Be creative, go crazy if you must, but come up with your very own unique comic hero who will shine in the Storm Warriors world!
There are 2 categories available: Under- and Over18
Summarised Instructions: Create your comic in an A3 art size artblock. It must be related to the Storm Warriors movie. All forms of art medium are allowed. Entry forms can be downloaded @
Deadline: 11 December 2009, 5pm
If you need more information just clicky click on the image above *points up* or go the The One Academy website or the link direct to the contest page
I would encourage anyone who can draw to give this competition a shot, after all what have you got to loose right? no entry fee, check! And you never know, you could actually win something in the end! Plus, wouldn't it be cool to actually create a comic character that can do all sorts of stunts, the girls/guys go nuts for and at the end of the battle your character still has every single strand of hair in place? dude that rocks!
*Looks around for cosplayer* Hey you there! Yes you! Heard about the Gempak Starz 2009 cosplay competition? no? Well as you can see from the image above (click to enlarge) it's:
Concourse area, Sungei Wang Plaza, KL
Registration is from 10 a.m to
Best Prop, If you made/have and awesome, jawdropping prop you'll most probably win this category.
Best craftsmanship, this refers to the props *nods head*, so pay attention to detail people! detail!
So if you are a cosplayer or you know anyone who would be interested in joining the contest do tell them about it!!
Date: 19-20 December 2009
Venue: Sunway Pyramid
If you're interested in going for it, you may want to pre book your tickets! it's cheaper too! CLICK HERE <<
To go to the main site CLICK HERE << also clickable, don't believe? try la
Jajajaja i can't wait for it! wish i could cosplay, but i have no idea where to get traditional japanese summer clothes, any ideas? HOPE YOU PEOPLE CAN JOIN ME!!
The episode is called Grandfather II, it was basically centering around nate's mothers side of the family. The political one. Overall i think this is quite a good episode, better than the last for me, the last was just a tad bit boring. So here are a few thoughts of mine about the episode:
1. Chuck Bass was the mediator, the parent of the episode. Seriously, i'm not kidding! He was actually counselling and advising Serena on how she should treat her friendship, and he sounded so insightful, a bit out of character, but it may just be that he's growing up and he is after all now an owner of a hotel!
2. Nate, he was totally in political mode here today, pretending to be nice, backstabbing is grandfather, his friend. In the end he sacrificed himself and it was supposedly all for his innocent cousin. I find Nate's character very confusing, one minute he's the moral character, the nice decent one, the next he's pulling all this stunts out of nowhere. Hate towards his grandfather? but it wasn't even him who pulled the whole fake drowning thing, he just pretended to. Well if he was trying to get everyone to not trust his grandfather, it worked all right, even though he didn't exactly plan everything.
3. Chuck and Blair are so perfect together, though it looks like chuck is really doing all the work, being an understanding boyfriend and all, blair always does something to disturb the peace between them.
With all this drama in the episode, totally worth watching! ps, was the Dan and Olivia thing just a filler to put them in for the sake of it? lol.
Woke up early today, like 9 a.m early, it was really cold because it was drizzling, but nice ad comfy, you know that feeling? yeah, but decided to get up anyway, i had work to do, and what work was that? transferring all the cosplay business survey answers (it's a business class assignement, we have to open up our own business so i decided to open a cosplay costume making business, so thus the survey) to a proper format to be printed out. Just finished doing like 28 of it!! phew! 12 more to go, so near yet so far heh? Wow my eyes are hurting and i have 2 more days left! help me!!
I decided to drop law and officially the papers have been filled today, but i stopped attending classes since yesterday. I didn't tell many people about this decision, most people only found out about it after i dropped it, goodness knows, i didn't even hint to my lecturer that i was going to drop her subject.
First and foremost, i would like to state that i like the subject, i really do, and through this subject i at least have a better idea of how the legal system works (in the UK and mostly here because we just follow the UK style),so uhm, watch out, i know where to sue you! haha joking joking. The lecturer was/is really good, she knows her stuff, she just looks at the book, just a glance and she'll be talking about it for 5 minutes and it's like word for word. She knows the cases by heart (not surprising for a lawyer) and better, she knows the background of the case, which is not written in the book. And me, i'll be the one trying my best to write every word she says because well, when i read the book for the first time i don't get a thing, and then when she explains it, i get it! So as you can see, and you may even be wondering, "Then why did you drop law?"
Here are the reasons,
1. It's a heavy subject, as in content, it's law, it's self explainatory.
2. I don't intend to be a lawyer in the future, i really can't see myself living a life of a lawyer.
3. By dropping law, i get to graduate 6 months earlier, this is good for me because by the time i get my results i can go for the march intake.
4. It was either drop law or the whole of A levels.
5. Opportunity cost econs people, opportunity cost.
Believe me when i say it was a tough road coming to this decision. In fact it came after much praying, complaining to my mom and friends, making pro and con list, arguing with the inner me and much more. In fact, i really can't take credit for this idea of dropping law, this is because before, i was thinking of just dropping the whole A levels course itself, that was all i was thinking about, i was thinking of loop holes i could use, manuvours here and there to get out, my mind was on "Find a way to get out of A levels mode" and then on sunday, after talking to my mom about it, we were on the page of "ok you're gonna drop A levels, so what do you want to do next?", i went to bed, prayed and then *sound effect* i got the idea, it was like God given, infact i think know is. Like glass crashing, i came to a realisation, an angle i missed in my consideration. It fit just perfectly, i could survive A levels with that solution. I quickly rushed to my mom to tell her, she was like half sleeping la, haha so i guess she wasn't really in the mood to evaluate, she just told me to think about it. haha thinking about it now, it's really awesome, especially when you think back and realize 'God really does have all the answers', and to think that i didn't even realize it in the first place ( the alternative to dropping A levels) makes it even more amazing.
Now, the after effects of my decision, I guess many, infact my whole class (except Jas) was surprised with my decision, i didn't tell any of them, i was just telling them about Lit (another diff situation), most of them thought i would be dropping Lit instead of law, i guess that's life, it's just full of surprises. Oh yes, i have to tell about the process of dropping law, i got the forms from the office, signed it, got my mom to sign, then i had to see miss leow, who sits with Datin in the same room, and both of them were in there, very very scary. I thought i heard them complaining about something, that made things worse, then Datin saw me, i was mortified, she asked me what i wanted and i just said i wanted to see miss leow. So in i went and told her what i wanted, she asked me a few questions, and i just gave my honest, straight to the point answer, first she said that i should wait till after the exams to drop it (after all, it does sound a little fishy, dropping a subject just weeks before the exam), so she thankfully reconsidered, and asked me why i wanted to drop it, i just told her "I don't plan to pursue law in the future" and she accepted it! O_O, then she asked Datin if they should 'torture' me and just ask me to sit for the exam, (in a joking way) but then just allowed me to drop it. Just like that! After that, the next day, i got miss Dharma to sign the paper and it was before class, before the econs students came in, so i gave the same reply and she was ok with it. I guess this isn't new for her, after all i hear many students drop law all the time. So that't the story. Now back to after effects, i feel really relieved and less stressed, i'm happy with my decision. Time to focus more on the 3 subjects i have!!
Chuck and Blair Gossip girl season 3 Episode 3 my fave qoutes

Blair (to Georgina): Don't think you can run me out of my own room with a half naked Dan Humpfrey.
Georgina: Fine, stay, you may learn something.
Chuck: I came to apologize
Blair: So apologize
Chuck: Uh that was it, but it comes with a bottle of champagne
Blair: (reads chucks hp message) Got word photo could go for 5500? how could you?
Chuck: (takes blairs phone) Mcmollin went for 3000? Deroda's counter intelligence isn't what it used to be.
Blair: Don't change the subject!
Blair: The photograph is mine! (takes her stuff and chucks shoes)
Chuck: She stole my shoes?
Serena: You and chuck are the most self centered, damaged people i know.
Blair: I'm not following
Blair: (gives chuck the photo) I want you to have this.
Chuck: Why?
Blair: Because i love you, you enormously stubborn pain in the ass
Chuck: (Gives his signature smile)
Blair: I believe in you, and if this is what it takes for you to believe in you....then it's worth it.
Chuck:...I was thinking too small, why settle....for some club in a hotel.....when you can just buy the hotel...
(So classic chuck Bass)
I just love chuck/blair scenes or scenes with blair in it hahahaha these two are so funny together! Just don't get on their bad side! I feel that episode has been the best episode so far, far overshadowing the first two episodes of this season, of course the season has just started! so yea. If it continues to be this good, i can't wait!
Today was my first time driving all alone and to KL some more!! from shah alam to KL is not a near distance, so it's something! Yea, was a little worried la, but i planned out my route edi, planned out what time is the best time and all that. So the drive was good, not many mean cars out there, Thank You God for protecting me through the whole journey. Now i have finally fulfilled my wish to drive alone to megamall! yosh! i feel more independant also la, cause when you're driving alone you have to decide for yourself when to turn in and all, yes victor was right, it is cool to be driving on your own too, but i don't think i'll do it too often yet la, i think my parents won't be too happy to be worrying all the time. Don't want them to worry too la.
So met up with aunty yee ling, miss ellen, jas, lynn, vic and esther, celebrated aunties b'day in chillis, wah super packed with people and we were stuffed with food, then ss go to the mooncake area and take pic and randomly talk and laugh in the middle of everything (people must have been looking at us) then finally we went home. It was a fun time, heard LOADS of lame jokes, goodness knows how people come up with SO many.
Silver IS shiny! i like shiny, ok, the nice kinda shiny not the i'm trying to hard to be shiny kinda shiny (don't worry if it doesn't make sense, it just doesn't....well it does make sense to me la haha). So anyway... today's CF was good, talked about the video sermon we watched last week which was about Passion. Louie Gigglio, go youtube and google him if you're free he's a cool preacher, real funny, easy to understand, relatable and so true!
He was talking about passion and how our passion can be used to serve God, but what made is so much relatable to what i'm going though now is that, ok this is what elisa said ok, she put it in a understandable way. Silver, when taken from the ground is black, and the refiner has to put it through a very very very hot furnace to refine it, and he puts it right in the middle of the furnace where it's the hottest. So he puts it in, takes it out, puts it in, takes it out, and finally when he thinks it's done, he scrapes off the black part and you get the most silvery silver ever. And to test wether the silver is pure, he does a test, if he can see his reflection in it, then it's pure. So in the same way we're the silver with the black stuff outside, the impurities, so God puts us through the fire (testing) and sometimes he puts us in for testing, then takes us out for some happy times, and repeats the process till, well we're pure, so seeing his reflection in the silver (us) means that we reflect God's character. yea so that's what we learnt today. Pretty awesome and a reminder for me, we know this things sometimes, but just forget, or are unaware of it. So yes , i HAVE A LOT of refining to do, hey i'm a work in progresss ok!
Other than that, today i had a 4 hour nap, something i haven't done for decades.
I have decided to try to write about something everyday, and i shall write about what happened today at college, the beggining of classes after raya holidays....
Woke up as usual, went to college about the usual time, but hey, hold and behold, the gate was not opened!! mdm shereen was like "is there college today?", elisa looked at me and i replied "well maybe they decided to extend the holiday?" she said in reply "i'll kill them for that". It would be one of my option answers too, after all, making me wake up SOOO early just to find out there is no college on that day is NOT funny at all. So after some time, one lecturer arrive, gate still locked, we got down and decided to wait outside. Elisa said "you won't get this at Taylors, or Help or Sunway, nope you'll only get this at MCKL", which is kinda true, other colleges aren't so school like as ours. Finally the guy came, unlocked the gate and let us 'eager' people in.
Went in and saw this ad to get an international student card, first 50 will get it free, to get it or not? it'll be fun to show to the cinema's and they think you're an international student, ah nvm. Fast fowards to 8 o'clock, i hung out with janice as usual, supposed to study but we ended up talking, i was lazy, so were the rest of the 3 people at the table. Then, it was Law, econs students late as usual, so the lecturer got really angry, wah that econs lecturer ah, should be more considerate sometimes. Business was ok, my article gave the blank response from everyone, haha, well now that i think about it, it wasn't really dat businesssy. And people commented on my shirt, it said "Hooray for sarcasm!", then after business, i went for the charity club meeting, all members consisted to 0907 batch, haha we're very united eh?
I then had 2 hours of break, and what did i do? ahhh tried to study la, forced myself actually. then went for lit class, nothing much, talked about poems....infact, that's what we did for the whole 1/2 hour. Then we went on to Himalayan balsam, so it was obvious that everyone had almost the same research, and i had to say "about", this is so law whey, one word can mean so much. yea so i said my research was about the same as everyone else, and that led me to admit that i had info on the flower itself, people started laughing for some reason, particularly somebody, but then miraculously, the lecturer said that it's good, and asked me to come out to present it, immediately everyone kept quite, especially that person. Ahhh well, i tried reading over that peom, anne stevenson is one complicated person. from a flower to a spider to dead animals and apparently the poem is about love?
Owh yeah, before lit, i looked into jas' maths class, the lecturer saw me and asked me who i wanted to see, so technically i did want to see jas, so i said her name la, and she called jas out. When jas asked if i randomly called her out, i said yes! and she was all nga nga and then i told her about the charity club to make it less random. Then her class ended. Yes, i know i'm random, but where else can you be random you know?
Just came back from tesco and you know what, i don't know if it's all kids, i hope and pray not, but situation one, these boys pushing a trolley and hit my mom, they just walked off talking to each other, not even a word of apology! situation 2, i was pushing the trolley and saw this mom and her kids coming my direction, so i thought, okla, let them go first, so i pushed back my trolley, and it seemed like i didn't push it far enough, the little girl just pushed my trolley away without saying excuse me and it looked like she thought she was the boss, i muttered "cute" to myself, as in define cute as big, fat and ugly. small kid ok! i was almost to the point of 'accidentally' meeting her at the back of tesco for a little 'chat', if you know what i mean. Seriously, and both situations were chinese!! what happened to the chinese values of respect?? what? it went down the drain with the economy? ishkababa la those kids. I should start a discipline facility, our motto? "kids are pests".
I actually wrote this review for my lecturer's blog, because well he invites people to write reviews and i thought "Okla". I also decided to not write using my edismine email account, instead i'm using the one i officially use for official business haha, doesn't make sense, nevermind. Okok, now for the review.
Movie Title
The Young Victoria
History, Drama, Romance
Mostly about the early years of Queen Victoria of England, from childhood till she ascends the throne, the turbulence she faces as a ruler, her budding romance and ends with the birth of her first child. The audience will be able to see Victoria growing up as a young girl, secluded from the outside world and forced to carry out rules which are meant to control her. It then continues to the introduction of Victoria and Albert who will in future, be married (no it’s not a spoiler, it’s a historical fact). The criticism she gets as a new young ruler and the struggles she faces to rule the country and not be controlled by the many people who plan to use her as a tool for power.
Spectacular acting by Emily Blunt and Rupert Friend, Emily succeeds in portraying the young Victoria through the many stages of her life and she makes you just love her and cry when she cries. Rupert’s acting is so good that one would think that he really was the real Prince Albert in life. The rest of the cast’s acting is good too, but i guess a bit overshadowed by the main actress and actor.
I highly recommend this movie, for me personally it was a breath of fresh air especially on how movies these days portray romance, this movie the romance is sincere and true, definitely not based on lust like some movies. The historical information you get from this movie is quite accurate except for one part nearer to the end (but i can’t mention it as it would be a spoiler). There is some humour in the movie, but very british kind of humour, the movie isn’t draggy or boring at all and you have a good balance of seriousness for the historical aspect and the fun in the romance aspect. I was contented with how the movie end, it tied up all the knots and cleaned up nicely adding a smile to you face as a plus factor.
This movie is not available in Malaysia yet, i don’t think it will come out in local cinema’s unless after say, 3 years they may just decide to do so, as they did for many good movies. The fact that i managed to even stumble upon this movie is because i was visiting it’s homeland. So for those who are interested in historical drama romance, you’ll have to download this movie. Don’t know how guys will react to this movie though after all it is history and simple romance in one movie.
For those who read my blog often you would know that i'm lazy to post up pics (just ask lynn about that! she still hasn't received her pics!) so for pics, google it la haha
just because today is wednesday so i name this post wednesday, too lalala. Just posting up what's been happening lately, first of all gossip girl is back!! yay!! secondly, whole class failed accounts test, big surprise there...seriously la, the lecturer has got to get it into his head that just maybe, maybe la his method of teaching may not be working for our class. I mean come on, if one or two do really bad then maybe it's just their thing la, but a whole class? i'm just saying you know, and no calling a class stupid is not gonna help. Ahh for those reading this, at that moment when he said that i was too preoccupied with a law essay to even bother, so i wasn't so affected. But i guess when you start to write about it you start to think about it, hahah duh!
Lambda class people started a charity club, and they plan to do a car wash! yay! i get to play water!! haha nola, i think it's quite cool la to start a club so fast, and i hope i can support it!
Had loads of homework this week, like mountain loads of essays, seriously, the amount of tree's dying each day, not funny, not funny at all. But i managed to finish my Lit and Law essay! hahahahahahaha i am filled with joy about that.
Had a debate with this college friend about what open house means, i say it's go there be thick skinned (cause you don't know the people) and say hi la of course, then eat some food, fellowship, show your one malaysianness and then go back lor.
i think that's all, haha for this week la.
Lynn and vic gonna go for camp, so they won't be here to hang out during raya, awww, ah nvm! hope they have a good time in camp!!
i think i have enough of being random for now, bye bye
Here's the story in brief words...
woke up, got ready for college, walked through front door, saw big white car in front of me, saw that it was fancy, stood there and stared at the logo for awhile, saw the words "Alpha Romeo" on it, internally screamed, stared at car while walking to mini car, awestruck......
yes, i was kinda fustrated in college that my dad didn't tell me he brought it back, yes he doesn't go "Hey kids, go see what i brought back today", no that does not happen, but hey good news is HE BROUGHT IT BACK TODAY!! AND I GOT TO SEE INSIDE!! (NOT SIT, BUT I MIGHT SECRETLY GO AGAIN LATER AHHAHAHAHAHA) it's a manual, inside is kinda normal, you're normal fancy car manual type with the normal computerised radio, but THE CAR IS STILL SO COOL!!!
9/9/09 i didn't notice this date even though i was writing it in my library merit points paper (yes our library has a merits point system) then someone mentioned it and finally i realised! haha, well i guess we'll be seeing lots of couples getting married today, 9 represents infinity in chinese right? ahh well i'm not a chinese expert or anything.
Ok, so the title is lame, but it IS the end of my holiday. I'm quite happy la, managed to finish reading 80 days around the world, starting on The Three Musketeers. Managed to do my h.w, go out with friends, crash at friends houses (thanks jas and lynn), watch How i Met you mother, play games and visit school. Owh haha funny thing i forgot to mention, while i was in Jas house i introduced her to 'chef at home' this AFC cooking show, it's really cool, my fave cooking show, and then we went on to watch Scandinavian cook, and normally ppl take down notes on the recepie, but both of us were laughing throughout the whole show, why? haha well first was his accent, next was all the random things he said and did during the show, like saying "i'm going to close the door because i'm freezing here" and pulling out a bottle of vodka out of his winter coat pocket like a dealer or something hahahahahahaha. Well it was way funnier if you're there with us la.
I also want to mention one thing i read in the newspapers today, "Disney bought over Marvel", yes they did, for 4 bil USD. (click to read about it). Many Marvel fans are crying over this, others have positive remarks, but i'm not really a marvel fan so...well....but i am a disney fan, so i'm really wondering what Disney is up to buying over Marvel.
Almost finished with my acc homework which jeez...took me 9 days to complete!! actually a week, minus 2 days, yea. 48 questions, 1 week, how many survivors? who knows, we'll see tomorrow.............. in college. (survivor theme song in the background). haha 2 more questions to go, owh and i have to read law too, oops, sorry law txtbook, i like you but see acc was this meanie that took over ur time. I'm crazy i know. ahahahaha. owh one more random thought, i think Frank Wood is like the most cursed dead man in history, many acc students and some acc teachers hate him so much because of his txtbook, sad fella, note to self, nvr write an acc txtbook.
okla, enough random stuff, adious!
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