I FINALLY PASSED MY DRIVING TEST!! NOW EVERYONE I PROMISED TO DRIVE AROUND MAY proceed to counter 5 to collect your gift certificate....lol i'm kidding, i'll drive you around, as promised, haha. I was so nervous that i didn't want to sit at all and ended up standing for 3 hours. I now have a terrible leg ache thanks to it, but it's ok, because... I PASSED! lol, i didn't mind waiting forever for the results (not really when i rethink about it) to come out. My mom came too...lol, it was random, but she finished her banking and decided to drop by and send me lunch...yes that's how long i waited...lunch had to be SENT to me.
Oh yea, met some random people there too. Samson, from youth, he was like "Hi Amanda," and i was shocked. lol. Second is this girl i met in the car when i was doing QTI, she didn't recognise me at first, but i refreshed her memory. The she introduced me to her friend. And samson introduced me to this guy he just randomly made friends with today. LoL. So i had people to talk to.
Funny/petrifying at that moment things happened today. First, i had to wait SOOOO long to do the test. Second, the driver uncle just made it in time to fetch me there. Thirdly, the car i was supposed to use had 2, i repeat 2 JPJ tester guys. fourthly, there was a rumour goin on that many people failed today (i saw many with my own eyes too). Fifth, the JPJ guys were NOT in a good mood. yup. Go figure you know.
So, i saw two guys in the car, i panicked, my mom and samson kept on telling me to calm down. I finally did la, my mom prayed with me, and then i got in. My mom actually prayed for me like the whole time i was driving. Yup, so turns out, the 2 guys in a car thing, BIG HELP. cause they were busy talking to each other. Did everything, didn't mati engine, hehe and oh ya this crazy taxi almost banged me at the roundabout, but HE was in the wrong and even the JPJ guy said so. and the lady was doing the finger to eye thing to me, and i was thinking "What's up with her?" Finished the whole thing, he asked me if i ate already, i said, no, he said he didn't have lunch yet too. Got my results, smiled and happyness!! lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala
Well, lynn says that i can't migrate now since i've passed, because before this, the first time i was unfairly judged, i told her if that ever happened again i would migrate to another country and get the lisence there and never return.
To sum it up, well the whole time i was waiting, i remembered yesterday's message and about God preparing and placing everything in order before something happens, and it looks like He must have done something to make those two JPJ guys decide to get into the car together at the time of my test, because i forgot to mention that, the car i got into was the ONLY car which had two JPJ guys in it. The rest were all normal. Horrifying as it seemed at that time, it was actually for my good, =). And He also put in so many people whom i know to chat with to calm me down. So yeah, don't we serve an Awesome God?
Ok, if this isn't already a fact to everyone then just to let you know, i love all those old traditional disney movies they used to make when i was still a kid! Yes, the ones that they drew out each movement on a new sheet and personally coloured it! Those ones. Ex: Mulan, Hercules, Lion king etc. Have you also noticed how good their songs are? They wrote songs especially for the movie and it really means alot. Songs that i love (and can still remember)
- Reflection
- Someday
- Son of Man
- You'll be in my heart
- Go the distance
- Funny Friend
- Out there
- Beauty and the Beast
- A Whole new World
- You've got a friend in me
- Can you feel the love tonight
- Colours of the wind
And many more....pst...guess which movie those songs were from! No googling!! lol. Another thing you should notice, if you rewatch these movie are the jokes in it, the jokes that we never got as kids. We just laughed at the funny scenes. Ok here are some lines:
Mushu: The truth is we're both frauds. Your ancestors never sent me, they don't even like me. But you risked your life to help people you love. I risked your life to help myself. At least you had good intentions.
[Cri-Kee chirps sadly at Mushu]
Mushu: What? What do you mean you're not lucky? You lied to me?
Mushu: [to Mulan's horse] And what are you, a sheep?
Mushu: My little baby, off to destroy people.
Panic: "Hercules." Why does that name ring a bell?
Pain: I don't know. Um, maybe we owe him money?
Hercules: Aren't you...a damsel in distress?
Meg: I'm a damsel, I'm in distress, I can handle this. Have a nice day.
Meg: Megara. My friends call me Meg. At least they would if I had any friends. So did they give you a name along with all those rippling pectorals?
So my friends, just tell me ur top ten disney movies and your top 5 disney songs. Can? can!yay!
Michelle's List
- Mulan
- Little Mermaid
- Hercules
- Cinderella
- Beauty and the Beast
- Toy Story 2
- Rescuers
- Peter Pan
- Pocahontas
- Alladin
- Reflection
- Girl Worth Fighting for
- Colours of the wind
- Whole New world
- Be a man
- Lion King
- Beauty and the Beast
- Little Mermaid
- Mulan
- Emperor's New Groove
- Lion King 1,2 and 3
- Hercules
- Tarzan
Music inspired by The chronicles of Narnia: The lion, the witch and the wardrobe

Ok, ok calm down. I knew about it since last year thanks to maki, she told me about it, and i was really excited, but somehow i kinda forgot the month it would come out. And so, thanks to me joining the FMA fanclub on dev art (that was how crazy i was about FMA last time) they had a link to the episodes! And it loaded fast too! so the story kinda repeats alot of the old series, i don't know why though, but i love the songs they choose for the intro and ending. They made it funnier to and more chibi moments. Ahhh, i just totally went back into my Edward fandom when i heard his voice for the first time again in so many years!!! But they changed Roy mustangs voice....awww....the new voice sounds realy young and it's higher than the original voice, no more cckyness in his voice somehow....that's the only sad part, they did change some stuff in the storyline (if you're comparing to season 1) so it's a bit confusing. heh......i want more!! This is how i was when saw the ad on animax:
animax: Fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood, airing same time as japan
Me: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! *points finger at tv*
my mom: You know, i never know what you're talking about, i have to descipher and analyze what you're.....
Me: *still screaming*
I'm that crazy. Help me. haha
Seriously? ok, today i went for my driving test, i passed track but failed road, and you know what, i checked the form and ok, so 2 mistakes were justified, but the other 3 weren't. I DID signal before i turned, in fact i signalled so much the ppl behind could practically trace where i wanted to go. And how are u supposed to go up to 3rd gear, risking yourself going over the speed limit of oh i don't know...40km/h (even i didn't drive THAT slow the first time)....well anyway, the main thing was, the roundabout, i was doing ok, till the 'guy' asked me to go to the wrong lane, which i had to cause he was insisting that he had to explain something to me. And when i did, he said i went to the wrong lane....honestly, how unfair is that?? So he actually drew out the roundabout for me, tried to explain, of course he was speaking malay and saying i went to the wrong, lane, i tried to tell him that HE was the one who ASKED me to do that, but he denied it (duh!), so after some time, he thought i didn't get what he was saying and wrote it all down for me to read, his writing was illegible and horrandous, he even drew out the roundabout (aww how cute....*rolls eyes*) so he took over the wheel, oh seriously in my mind i was like "hey why don't i drive back and you'll have the time of your life". Oh gosh, anyway, he also failed another indian girl, must have been the same thing. SO i THINK he's racist too, i dunno, i'm not SAYING he's racist, i just think he is. Now if you don't already know this, it is said, to pass your driving license in Malaysia (truly asia) you have to bribe the officers. There are probably some ppl who didn't do so and still pass the first time, well good for them, but the chances are if you don't bribe, they will find fault with you on your first try. I already knew that, that's why i argued with the fella. So here's an article i found:
Bribery still rampant
IT IS common knowledge that one can bribe one's way to a driving licence. If you're willing to cough up some extra dough, there are driving instructors who are more than willing to help you take the easy way out.
Sometimes, it is even at their instigation.
“But no one dares to bribe anyone to get the licence in America,” says Sanjeev who works in California, the United States.
Despite the constant denial, the incidence of buying licences happens openly in Malaysia. A check showed that many driving schools were offering such packages for motorcycle and car licences.
“This has been going on all the while and will not be easy to eradicate. This depends a great deal on the sincerity of the candidates as well as the driving school personnel and JPJ (Road Transport Department) testers. Apart from that, defaulters should be severely punished,” says CAP President S.M Mohamed Idris.
Even a well-established driving school with branches around the Klang Valley for instance offers a guaranteed pass for a car licence to prospective students for RM1,500. According to an employee of the driving school, the fee for a guaranteed pass was RM1,298 before.
How about those people who are not proficient at reading and can’t pass the theory test which is computerised?
“Don't worry. We have our ways. You will be able to do your test in a day when no one is around,” said the employee.
The one thing that could not be compromised is the parking test, which is in full view of everyone.
Student Hairy*, 26, says that on matter of principle he refused to bribe his way to get a licence.
Not surprisingly, he failed a few times before getting it.
“My instructor told the tester that I would not pay a bribe. I think they finally gave up and I got my licence after three tries,” he says.
Describing them as ‘licences to kill', Association of Malaysian Driving Institute’s president Mat Aris Bakar says he is aware of the practice of bribery. “This practice cannot be tolerated,” he adds.
The Road Transport Department declined to comment. << why do you think?? obvious much?
So who's to blame? the authorities or the people who actually pay these bribes, well i think it's both. Seriously, if everyone stopped paying then we may actually start having a FAIR driving test system. Like they say for the endangered animals "when the buying stops, so does the killing" so now it's: "When the bribes stop, so does the decline in human morality" i quote “But no one dares to bribe anyone to get the licence in America,” says Sanjeev who works in California, the United States. Ok, why can the US do it and Malaysia can't, simple lah, 3rd world mentality. I was thinking, those who have 1st world mentality usually migrate and what's left in the country?? 3rd world mentality citizens. A SANE person with a 1st world mentality will NOT stay in a place like this. I wouldn't, i don't want to actually. HA.
Another fun fact for you is, Malaysian driving license is not accepted in any other countries, my church member's dad, they migrted to Aussie, he had to RETAKE the test. My mom's old classmate also commented on the malaysian driving lisence (she lives in the UK), totally not accepted there. (qoute from forum) "If you have been to overseas you will know, our license is not recognized in other countries because it is too easy to have one and you will still need to retake the driving license in those countries."
Anyway, that's my rant. You want to read more about how other people think about this issue? just click the link, have fun agreeing to everything they say, lol. http://www.usj.com.my/bulletin/upload/showthread.php?t=19633,
For further reading on this subject, i suggest you google "malaysian driving licence bribery to pass"
My movie review for the movie: Another cinderella story.
At the end of the movie i was wondering to myself, was this a dance show? a musical? well if you read the summary of the movie you get the feeling that this is a dancing movie, but then i see there's a lot of singing in it.....
Another cinderella story is like what the sotry says, it's another cinderella story, you have cinderella known here as mary, the evil step mother, 2 evil stepsisters and of course the prince. But there's some extra, there's an extra evil girl...wow. And cinderella has a best friend. They meet at the ball, check.She leaves something behind, check. The prince goes looking out for her, check.they fall in love check. Now the evil stepsisters are act really dumb, reminds me of the evil stepsisters from cinderella girl (the hillary duff one) so does the evil step mom, now that's ok, that's normal. What's not normal is the middle of the show. I'll not give spoilers here, but my theory of why this happened is this....the producers must have thought, "Oh, it's called another cinderella story....or is it?" so they add a twist in the middle. A very confusing twist if you ask me. seriously. It's hard to explain, but i was thinking to myself "What was the point of that conflict?" wa it because they needed to give the evil stepsisters a chance to get back at her? they did that already really.
But anyway, there were some nice parts i have to say so myself. So if you want to check it out yourself, then knock yourself out.
I have officially gone crazy, or at least i had a moment of irrational thinking, or was it?? i don't know, but i saw the four books i was waiting for the longest time ever and decided to buy it immediately, and i added 2 more books into the pile, so that's 6 books now, and every book i saw i wanted to buy!! at least i calmed myself down and settled for 6.....does that sound ok? Well buying books isn't a bad thing or anything, haha. Actually it's good la i guess, it's just that the books here costs a bomb, one can e RM30 plus (that's a minimum for an adult novel). Ok that's all, just a little update...
I put on my headphones and immediately, the world outside is shut out, locked with a firm key.
Even if it tries to barge in to my world, all i have to do is turn up the volume and defences are firm.
I explore this world of mine through all forms of sounds, from music to videos. Sound.
As i go around, i forget more and more of the world i originally came frome.
But as fast as this all happened, it disappears just as fast.
My headphones are pulled away from my ears, almost forcefully.
I return to the world outside again, away from my protective fortress.
The world i tried to shut out.
{ i use my headphones when i'm watching movies on my laptop, because the sound is just too soft for the external speakers. And also when it's late at night and i don't want to wake anyone up. Using it now actually, haha, so i was just thinking of it as another world, sorta like a fortress you know, btw, my poems never rhyme}
I think i should wrap it up here heh? ahhh anyway.... after amsterdam we just stay in auntie anna's hse...so what did i do?
- watched my first musical ever...in Hull. it's called all the fun of the fair. It was ok i guess, but not that good till i want to go and recommend it to my friends.
- Went to rydale folk museum...awesome place! they build old medevil age houses and stuff and you get to go in and touch most of the stuff.
- The national mining museum....i went 90 feet underground! the tour was really cool, the tour guide was super funny and you seriously get to see what being a miner is like. And it's free! it's a experience worth trying!
- Humber bridge
- Museums in Hull
Boys Over Flowers (korean version)
So a little sidetrack. Boys over flowers korean version has ended. Yup. I wasn't quite happy with the ending though, i'm the type that wants the story to play out to the end, i don't like them to end it letting you guess and imagine your own ending. That i can do anytime, but it's different if there are already people acting it out for you!
A very nice drama. And this is not a compliment i give out casually especially when it comes to korean drama's. I feel this korean drama is a little bit different because they 'other' guy is more complex, it's not the normal thing where he is the obvious love rival, nope, this one, you wonder why he does some things sometimes. And they also have a side love story for the other characters, and you can easily support both sides because they don't clash at all. One more different thing, unlike most korean drama's where the main characters get together only in the end (most of the time, they realise they like each other/ confess to each other in the end only which is kinda fustrating really) this one, it starts in the beginning and continues on to the end. It also was praised for being the version that kept loyal to the original story by the mangaka. Even the japanese couldn't do it. And if you ask me, the korean cast is the most good looking one. I really question the japanese and taiwanese one. Well i give this drama two thumbs up!! yay!! lol.
If you wanna find out more or watch it for yourself....watch it at viikii.com, you can google it.
ok that's all.
Sorry for the long delay bz with stuff and all. So shall i continue? haha
Day 5
Leaving London. Yup, i didn't get to go to king's cross station to platform 9 3/4 where harry potter gets on the train because my dad didn't want to go there....anyway, we had to travel all the way to Beverly where auntie anna, my mom's friend lives. The thing about UK roads is....u want to imagine how it's like, ok just do this, imagine Malaysia's north south highway, now replace all the kelapa sawit trees with open fields and a few christmas type trees, now replace the cows with horses. And the kampung houses with country houses and there you have it! British highways! seriously. The speed limit is like 70 miles per hour, not km ppl, it's miles, which is actually higher than the speed limit in malaysia, so i heard. And my dad was speeding......so instead of a 3 hr journey it was like 2 and a half hours? Our car was a kia sedona (rented) the doors were automatic, cool but irritating too.
Halfway there we stopped by Stratford upon avon where they have many tudor sort of houses (very old style, englsih style) the place is actually called stratford upon avon and guess what! Shakespear was born here! His wife lives nearby too. Had a traditional English breakfast there, awesome!
We reached auntie anna's hse early and settle down. Then they took us to the beach, i took a stole from the beach, hehe hope it's ok. We also went to the arcade where we played some games. Auntie anna gave us packets filled with 2 pence to play the games, al u have to do is insert the money and then the machine will push and u try to insert till the machine pushes out money. You're sure to loose money, but it's fun to play. We then ate fish and chips, the portion was HUGE!! and in britain they eat their fish and chips with vinegar, which is surprisingly yummy. We had to rush off though to catch the ferry to Brudges, berlin. But we didn't make it in time, we were supposed to be there one and a half hours ago!! it was panic situation whey!! we were so worried we wouldn't get to go, we banged on the door and all, good thing there was a lady there who kindly helped us, she took us to another place and told us we could still use our tickets, but to go to Amsterdam, Holland. So we had to lor, no choice. My mom was upset, but i was okla, since i've never been to Amsterdam before. So we boarded the ferry, this is the first time i'm in a ferry to stay and sleep. So it was interesting. They had a perfume/ handbag shop, a chocolate/toys/books shop, coffee shop, and restaurant. They even have a cinema, casino, arcade area and lounge/bar area. But everything costs a bomb (when u convert) and it's like paying RM 25 for a movie you can watch for so much less in Malaysia, so we didn't go for it. It was hard to resist, believe me, because seriously, there was nothing to do. So we went to the kids play area where they had a pool of balls (like IKEA) and Gerald went in, we did a few things, we played the game where we shoot the balls at Gerald and he has to avoid it, we threw in money and Gerald had to find it, We did aiming and all that. (This is what happens when you're bored). Finally we went to bed.
Day 6
Was woken up by the announcer, the bad thing about being in european countries is that.....THEY SPEAK IN SO MANY LANGUAGES, so the same announcement was in like 4 diff type of languages....irritating betul. Got off the ferry, we're in Amsterdam ppl!! you can really see that the sea level is higher than the land level from a boat. It's sorta cool. Got into a bus, there was this irritating guy behind me, singing along at certain parts of some songs, i wanted to tell him to shut up and that he didn't sound anything like the singer, but then off course i didn't, apparently there was a jam, but i slept the whole way...so uh nvm.
Ok here's a note about Amsterdam...they're really liberal ok. So nude pics can be everywhere, on ads or anything. And drugs is an ok for them, so it's sold openly. And my dad told me that they don't like to share the same wall, so the build their houses with it's own walls and the gap is so small you can't even differenciate....gosh. And because of their selfishness, the buildings, due to lack of support from each other, tend to bend front or sideways abit....so this can really be applied to our life...share lah, don't be so selfish. And holland, because it's below sea level, they reclaim most of their land, and so there are no hills, it's all flat land, and mostly everyone uses bikes, they even have lanes on the roads for bikes (no kidding!) And the amount of bikes parked around the city is shocking. I wonder how they find their own bikes! So, we didn’t plan much for Amsterdam and since my parents have been here once, so they knew abit...we took the cruise, which was kinda boring to be honest because they had to repeat the same thing in 5 diff languages, so that made it boring. Then i went to Anne Franks House!! Seriously!! It’s so cool! (not that hiding during war time is cool and all, i mean being in the actual house!) well i saw the actual place and the secret door! It was very sad but a great experience at the same time. I should get the book, even though i read through halfway once.
Then we made our way through to the flower market. And there my dad made me hold the can of “grow your own drugs” it was cannabis btw.
Oh yea, i didn’t talk about their trams, trams are these trains that are on the road and you just hop on it. So we bought the super long ticket and it doesn’t matter where you’re going, they just stamp it and you’re done! But it’s 7 euro’s for 15 columns.There are also SO many mc donalds in Amsterdam alone, i think i saw like 3 or four around the same area....wow. They must love it so much!haha
So that's all about amsterdam!
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