Spm results are coming out in say 2 weeks? well that's all and all yea, the problem is...i'm not gonna be here to get it!! aww come on! i worked so hard for a year and i can't even go and collect it personally? man. Sad, but i am going to London...so....ish....why couldn't it be beggining of 2nd week of march!! why!! ishkabuba.
Oh yes, btw the question i (and many of my friends) have been hearing for 2 months is "so are you in college?'" "Which course are you taking/planning to take?" "are you going overseas?"
I AM SO SICK OF THESE QUESTIONS, seriously, i feel like printing a brochure giving information to anyone who asks these questions, sorry la, i know you're trying to be concerned and all....but hey let's put each other in each others shoes ok. You wanna know the answer? sponser me for printing first. LOL.
Last of all, i keep on forgetting that my family is USED to sleeping late, so i call my friend real late and wonder why no one's online at late hours. So i called my friend at 1 a.m forgetting to look at the time....i think she's gonna kill me. SORRY!
Everyday i wake up at 5.45, now you must be wondering why i wake up so early, trust me, i don't usually or normally do that. I wake up because i go to school. Yes i still go to school, i go there to help out in all the minor jobs, yeah but i find it fun la. Ok so sometimes i feel so bored cause there's nothing to do at the moment, but the next minute i find work, and then another job comes and another one. Yeah then i'm not so bored anymore. Haha don't worry, it's ok, like i said, i'm having fun because i have something to do! LOL. I guess i'm used to alot of work coming at a go. So the fun part of volunteering at school is that i get to meet the teachers and can be more friendly because they don't have to turn into teacher mode on you. Being strict and all that. hehe. I also get to see my juniors and talk to them, so that's really fun.
so i reach home about 3.50, i'm dead tired by now and sleep till 7 or 8, yes i'm serious, then i eat, bathe, surf the net, watch tv blah blah, sleep at 12, so i basically work on 5 hrs of sleep, ahaha....i know it's bad. I so know. But anyway, that's how my day goes on weekdays, unless i skip school to learn driving or do other things. ok, i'm done buh bye.
I am clearing my com, whoopy....so many movies, pics, no wonder there's lagging.
I realized that every little thing you do, you've got to think about the consequences. And you shouldn't be pushed around by people.
Yea, that's what i got from my driving teacher and also my dad. So it's official, my legs hate the brakes. I'm fine with a clear road, but put cars on that road, oh oh. Well i guess i just have to get used to it sooner or later, i just hope no accidents happen. I dunno if i have insurance for this, gosh!! Why is Malaysian public transport so inconvinient, incompetant and plain awefull??? why??? why?? Lousy, lousy, lousy. Really wish the public transport would be improved so that ppl will use less cars, less pollution will happen and oh yah, no parking fee's/ problems, no insurance payment, no road tax payment, no toll paying. Plus let's see, maintainance of car, yea that too. SEE, i know cars are nice, DUH!! i love it everytime my dad brings back a cool car. But really, if public transport were efficient, i would only need a car or emergencies.
Yes i know, every teenager wants to drive, i wanted to drive too, but now i feel awefully lazy and scared of the crazy drivers out there. *rolls eyes*
Today i decided to sit in for senior chapel, oh ya, before that i decided to help with the gate duty, (open cars door) haven't done that in ages, gosh. So mr nigel was sharing today, and it was about Jesus and his disciples in the boat and there was a storm, Jesus got up and commanded the storm to stop and it did. And the disciples were like "who is this man, he gives commands to the wind and the waves and they obey him" So yea, the storm doesn't just refer to the obvious weather kind of storm, but the trouble in our lives, the storms in our lives. Well i would say the storm in my life is the descision about college. So yea, it's true, "if we concentrate on the storm, well it'll all seem impossible, but if we concentrate on God, then we'll be just fine." And Jesus, after he calmed the storm, he said to the disciples "where is your faith?" well, that i so true, where is our faith? where is my faith? in God or in everything else?
Then later i was doin devotion, and it talked about faith again, faith being sure of what you hope for and believing that God will answer. So these two lessons have been relaying in my mind for the whole day, and it has helped me through this day (it being a really tough one). Thank You Lord.
*List these rules on your blog.
*Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
*Tell 7 unspectacular quirks on yours.
*Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
*Link the person who tagged you.
*Leave a comment for each blogger.
(: 7 facts about me:-
-hates vege and chilli
-loves the number 11
-loves sarcasm in movies
-doesn't like math especially add math
-loves cartoons
-loves japanese food
-roller coasters rock!
(: 7 unspectacular quirks:-
-loves watches
-doesn't like to sleep at night
-internet addict
-doesn't dirnk much water
-lives in shah alam
-has 2 bro's
if you wanna do this then do lah haha
It was just the song that came at the right time. I was feeling all sad and confused about my future, and there were many voices around me telling me to do this and that. So i decided to hide in my room and calm down. And then i remembered i liked the tune of this song, then i listened to it, and it refreshed my soul. For those of you who are down and your soul is dry and thirsts for something, try reading the lyrics of this song while listening to is.
Hillsong - The Desert Song
Verse 1:This is my prayer in the desert
And all that's within me feels dry
This is my prayer in the hunger in me
My God is a God who provides
Verse 2:
And this is my prayer in the fire
In weakness or trial or pain
There is a faith proved
Of more worth than gold
So refine me Lord through the flames
And I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon forged against me shall remain
I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory and He is here
Verse 3:
And this is my prayer in the battle
And triumph is still on it's way
I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ
So firm on His promise I'll stand
All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship
Verse 4:
This is my prayer in the harvest
When favor and providence flow
I know I'm filled to be empited again
The seed I've recieved I will sow
Finally we had our reunion!! of ahahaha too bad my voice sounds like a toad....yeah, i lost my voice, got the flu, lilttle bit of fever, tadah! you get lost of voice. Anyway it was really great lah, haven;t seen some of them for like forever. So yesterday lynn came over to sleepover, it was really fun, we cooked cocktail sausages and i got the inspiration to open my shop (selling cocktail sausages )and name it ........... hehe shall not tell you what the name is. it's just a joke lah. then went to the park, took some crazy light photo's and then sat down to chat, it was a really good chat, catching up, sharing our feelings all that. Then she saw a 'worm' (centerpede lah) then we went back, wow it was 1 hr already. Settled down and watched the prince and me, hahaha funny show, and very romantic too!
So sleeping was easy but getting up wasn't, oh i kep on getting up then go back to sleep, finally i just got up and watched the adventures of sharkboy and lavagirl, it's a ok show la, weird t some parts but okla. Then went megamall. Wah we spent 6 hrs there before everyone came, walking around, taking pics, went to many shops i haven't been before,tiring betul.
Finally they all came, we didn't tell anyone where we were eating, we just said gardens, and then we took them to an expensive restaurant and they were like "ok somebody gotta stay back and wash dishes" hahaha then we finally took them to the food court, the food garden, nice place, lots of variety, ok price lah (really depends on what you order) and nice ambience. So we were really noisy, malu lah. But it was really fun. Yup yup. So that's all. Oh ya bought a dress too....lalalala.
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