Yes i went for comic fiesta this year! and yes! i cosplayed Toph! and it was aweseome, team avatar was great!! there was me, katara, suki, aang and azula. Yea, sadly we had no zuko and sokka, and no guys at all (aang was a girl). But it's ok. We did a group skit but unfortunately the sound system was bogus and well even WE on the stage couldn't hear the sound. And we practised so hard, ok for me it was 2 days before, but the rest really deserved better than this. Well they were a fun bunch. Don't know if i'll cosplay next year, i don't think my mom is gonna cash out RM 200 plus again for me.....she was taken by surprise this year
For me, this year was good lah, haha, ok not so good description. Well the venue totally changed from last year. LAst year it was cramped, hot, stuffy and crowded, this year it was in sunway convention centre, so it's huge and air conditioned! but the lighting according to many was lousy. And for me the sound system had to have problems during OUR skit....why oh why. As for the doujin booths, i noticed many KHR things were being sold, so for me, i'm not into it, so nothing much to see or buy this year. The only thing i bought was a FMA calendar. But maki's friend sakura bought the X (clamp) artbook for RM30, it's so worth it, all coloured, felt cover and gold writing! i browsed through it with her and it was really great.
As for the cosplay, well it was nice taking photo's with the group, the great thing about being toph is that she's usually bored, and i don't like to show much expression, so tadaa! so easy hehe. I just have to occasionally look mean and tough. It was also cool watching maki and wei ling (i think this is how you spell her name) sew, seriously! they altered their own costumes and maki made my headband, it was really nice! (Puteri gunung ledang haha) and in the end everything fit them perfectly *bows*. I need to learn how to sew...note to self. Ok i do, but then the mechanics of making it conceled and all, haven't got that figured out yet.
Oh yea, i also got sick a day before CF! i got a high fever on the 19th, fever and perging on 20th so if it weren't for that i would have had MORE fun!! even sickness! i hate being sick! thanks maki for taking care of me!
ok before i go just a pic of the group
Imagine if some of the f5's decided to live together in 1 apartment, well it's just a imaginary thing lah, but imagine i dunno 15 ppl , 4 room apartment, 3 toilets, 1 kitchen, 1 multipurpose area....
- a big big big toilet..or many big big big toilets
- Hygene rules
- Real food, not junk
- laundry bag
- Big dustbin and rubbish throwing system
- washing machine
- detergent (for everything)
- mop and broom
- shoe rack
- welcome carpet
- Tv, surround system
- fridge, microwave, water boiler, toaster, stove
- kitchen set (complete with knivs, pots, pans anything you need in a kitchen)
- cutlenary set
- Bikes (many many)
- books
- beds, sofa, dining table and chairs,mirrors, tables
- airconds
- radio, alarm clock
- huge wardrobe, hangers
- multipurpose table
- showers
- wireless internet

i think this is my first rant on my new blog, well it's about time too. Ok rant number one, what is so nice about bbq? no seriously, you smoke stuff and most of the time it gets burned. Well for me personally i hate the smoke, the burnt smell, the smell that gets onto my body and hair and the cancer that i can potantially get, and most of the time amatuers do it so the food is inedible. Yea, i prefer steamboat anyday. Plus to bbq, you seriously need to have a skill, not everyone knows if a glowing charcoal is good or not, for me i feel heat coming out i think it's ok, wrong!! apparently glowing is good for something, fire is good for something and so on. So yes, i'm not a fan of bbq, but i still go. Malaysians seem to like it, i don't know.
second rant. Why do people always have to complain that i don't eat vegetables or chilli, seriously, the last time i checked, that wasn't illegal. Really, can't you just let me be? i mean i could say to you why don't you like (fill in blank with what you don't like to eat) and you would just say because i don't like it right? same here, it's not a complicated thing really, don't need a team of whizz brains to figure it out, i'll give you the answer, I don't like to eat chilli and vegetables just because i don't like to, now let's move on with life can we? Hey it's not like i choose not to be born to not like these two things, i just don't find it nice to eat, so i don't eat. (getting my drift here?).
third rant. Is it really that hard to write christmas? just a few more alphabets, so what if you don't believe in the religion? you're still celebrating the celebration right? so use the right name lor. (not meant to be racist here, just want to point out something) Is it nice if i wrote selamat hari X? or gong xi fa X, Xvali? no? well i don't see people doing it to any other festival, so why christmas? goodness knows christmas is the most popular and most well decorated season. So ok, you don't believe in the message of christmas,ok, but at least respect it's name.
well to tell you honestly, there are many things i have to complain about, yea complain, but i'll spare whoever reads this.
For the alumni i went dress shopping....yes for those who know me, that's a big leap, but i was in malacca and i was like, "ah might as well lah" so i went for a super mega fast dress shopping, and these are some of what i tried. Note: i got stuck and lost trying on dresses, and became so tired too, haha but good thing i had pam and krystal with me to help! thank you both of you! Oh yea, my hair is also a mess in some of the pics....LOL
This is the one is finally bought, really nice and comfortable! go VOIR!
The alumni dinner was ok, saw the first batch of seniors and it's like 7 graduate classes gathered in one hall, really cool. Our ex headmistress als came, so the food was good, deco was really nice too, too bad i didn't bring my cam.
Just came back from pulau pangkor, exhausted, dark, but i had a really great time. Ohohohoho, when i came back, i really missed it already, it was really fun to just be with my friends (though we were really messy people, no seriously, the room was a mess!!). So i shall start from day one to the last day lah hor.
Day 1
Got to pudu bus station, i know i was really early, but that was kinda like the point, haha, but it was ok, i finally got to se what pudu bus station was like. Old but really busy. crowded too. So our bus left at like 8.30, oh yea, found out there was another group with us, so i got the individual seat in the bus, which i was really surprised with, cause i thought the bus would be like the normal ones we take for field trips, but nope, this one was really nice, the interior and all was cool....hahaha, no really, it was a good bus trip and the driver was fast, which made the trip fast (duh). So when we reached lumut, i knew what to expect. Hot sun, heat and a real hunt for food, but we managed to find something decent to eat. And i accidentally ordered 2 drinks, so i had to drink both, lol. Got on the boat, sadly it wasn't the one where you can go on the top, so we just had to sit, there was a funny show on, but then they turned it off when the boat started moving...darn. Then got to the hotel, coral bay resort, it was a fine hotel lah i guess, the room was ok, good enough lah i guess, we didn't come for the luxury, but to spend time with each other. Then we took off to the beach, where pong and i tried to fly our kites, but i forgot to bring one stick (the important one) so we had to improvise, while we were doing that some guys who did the boat tour thing came and helped us, well to cut story short, my kite got stuck in tree, pong's flew high, but i got my kite back because it miracullously fell also went to the neighbour room (the room where the group i mentioned about earlier stayed)we played 'empire', well it was supposed to help us know each other's name, but then most of their names were in chinese, so it was hard for me. But then first it seemed like wayne was winning, esther and i kinda pakated lah, then after that a boy from the other group got most of the people, then ken li got all of them. So it seems like we're loosing right? cause me and esther were only 2 and there were like so few left, ahahaha this is where you're wrong, this is actually a really good opportunity! cause all you have to do is identify the leader and you get every one and win! and that's exacty what we did, we got lynn's group first, then with the help of victor our alley, we took down ken li's group and won, and got the last guy! hehehehe done and finished! This is also the day i first played a psp. Yes i know, pathetic, but it's the first time i actually played a game on a psp, and it was naruto, and i totally rocked it man!! i got the superpower all the time. LOL. esther hated me for that lah hahaha. We had chinese food, which i heard was really popular that you had to have a booking in order to eat there, woooo. And it was so near the hotel. Got back, played a little bit of taboo and then went to sleep.
day 2
got up at 6.35 cause we had to be at the lobby at 7 something and we had 18 ppl saring 2 bathrooms, so do the math. I tell you, i was so tired that i left the alarm ringing for 35 mins, finally i got sick of it, got up, turned it off and the aircond too and got up. We went to the beach and went for our island hopping, if you ask me, i'll say that the boat driver is a little crazy or adventurous, it really depends on how you see it lah. he purposely tilt the boat so that you're like gonna fall and the water splashes on you. We saw the 6 star hotel, and i was thinking to myself, you pay like 2 k, and you get harassed by tourists like us, LOL. we saw loads of rock formations that looked like animals, hehe another proof of God's amazing creations. Then he dumped us on a beach. We started playing captain ball with the other group, it was really crazy, but fun. then some of them swung into the sea, but then we soon got tired, and the boat guy never came, he passed by but never came. we were there for 2 hours and then finally he came, the excuse was there was a miscommunication, well whatever lah, we then went snorkeling, not that clear though the water, but we saw fish, sadly all the coral died, i was just staring at all the dead coral and wondering how beautiful it must have looked. I managed to attract some fish with the bread i was holding, hahaha lynn didn't believe me at first, but then later she tried it and the fish did come. So that was the end of our boat trip. In the evening, we rented some bikes and decided to challenge ourselves by cycling around the whole island. ok seriously, this was a great accomplishment. i have to write it down. WE PUSHED OUR BIKES UP STEEP HILLS, CYCLED DOWN AT TROUMENDOUS SPEEDS AND CYCLED 12 KM!!. Obviously we were exhausted after that, ok i admit there were several times i was like, "why, why did i agree to do this" but then if you think logically, if you decide to go back the way you came from, you still had to climb the hills, and you wouldn't finish the journey. So we pushed on, cm by cm. i didn't zoom down the steep hills cause of a past accident i had, but wayne was kind enough to stay behind with me while i painstakingly pushed my bike down the hill. Yea, not many guys would give up the thrill of going down a hill at outstanding speeds to wait slowly for you. That night we had service, but before that i felt a little uncomforable, so i decided to rest, then i found out i had fever, oh joy. The service was really good, the worship was great, and the message was great too. i could feel God's prescence there and he healed my sore throat too during the worship. It was a really good sharing cause it was relevant with our situation, we just graduating and all, well it gave us a light to what we should do in pursuing our future, how to do it the right way. Then we went over to the neighbours and played taboo. sleep.
Day 3
Woke up fresh at 8 cause i had my 8 hours of sleep, but the others didn't apparently. Made tuna sandwich for them. Then we went to town, lol, we went to every souvenior shop even though they mostly sell the same things.But it was fun, ate lunch there and went back.We watched what a girl wants, and it was really fun cause that show rocks!Later some of them played the water sports, it was really funny cause some of them got flinged into the sea, but they enjoyed themselves, as for me, i had fun laughing and attempting to pay bach volleyball. At night we had steam boat, and then we went to a restaurant at 11 to have supper, after that i felt sick i went back to the room, while the rest went to the beach, chat and tried fishing.
Day 4
I found out three people didn't sleep at all....anyway, packed up stuff fast, went to the town to buy the dried stuff and then went home.
Now i'm here, really tired, but i really had fun. Gonna miss each and everyone of them alot.
hohohohohohohoho it's over, it's over! spm is over!! finally!! lalalala, well i have to say the last paper was good, surprisingly, it was such a torture waiting for the last minute, i mean even the examiners asked us to go out. But well jas said we should stay till the last min, so i guess i thought, "ah might as well lah". So then we took pics with the examiners, and changed to shopping clothes! Went to mv, had a little bump trying to start things, but in the end it was good. Watched twilight, it was good, a little slow for me, for me edward was talking really slow. A little too much hesitation for me and the story kinda picked up slowly too at the start. Uh weird that they didn't mention Edward composing the song for bella, but they did play it, LOVED the baseball part. Got used to Jasper, lol. But there were some parts where they cut and all, but since i read the book, i kinda know what they cut.....overall as i said, the movie was good.
I waslked till i could walk no more, hahaha, seriously, i was dying to get to the car! So now i'm back home, gotta do a few things, including making sure my ounger bro does his revision...hahahahahahaha
Selling textbooks and workbooks, i prefer to sell to SMSS students only, it's easier to pass it to you that way, but if you're not from SMSS but really want it then i guess we could work something out. For enquiries leave a comment in this post. TQ!
A description and price will be under each pic, so browse through, all in good condition! If i have done any work in the book, made notes or anything, there will be comments about it too! Accepting only serious buyers. Add math f5 textbook, i wrapped it, didn't touch it and dropped the subject, ahahaha
also bought and decided not to take the subject, a really compact revision book for econs,
RM 8.50 (also practically new!)
Anak laut and Bukit kepong reference in one book. F4,gives you a sipnosis, plot, tema, gaya bahasa etc. so it's quite good.
RM 3
LOADS of questions, though i'm not sure if it's applicable for the new sylabbus next year. But really good for next years f5
RM8 (i have done some practices, so there are scribbles, and workings, but not many)
SEJARAH f4 reference book. (i have underlined the notes in it, just for a few chpts) it has loads of extra info that is not in the textbook, so be a littl careful when using it to study.
RM 7.50
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