Imagine if some of the f5's decided to live together in 1 apartment, well it's just a imaginary thing lah, but imagine i dunno 15 ppl , 4 room apartment, 3 toilets, 1 kitchen, 1 multipurpose area....
- a big big big toilet..or many big big big toilets
- Hygene rules
- Real food, not junk
- laundry bag
- Big dustbin and rubbish throwing system
- washing machine
- detergent (for everything)
- mop and broom
- shoe rack
- welcome carpet
- Tv, surround system
- fridge, microwave, water boiler, toaster, stove
- kitchen set (complete with knivs, pots, pans anything you need in a kitchen)
- cutlenary set
- Bikes (many many)
- books
- beds, sofa, dining table and chairs,mirrors, tables
- airconds
- radio, alarm clock
- huge wardrobe, hangers
- multipurpose table
- showers
- wireless internet

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